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Angle Mode v ATTI

May 28, 2016
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I am confused, well I think I am.
Angle Mode and ATTI are they two different modes on the H?

I apparently need to fly in ATTI mode so need to know if Angle is the same?
If not how do I change the mode to ATTI?

help appreciated thanks.
@Thunderbird360 There is no ATTI mode on the TH or Yuneec products in general. This term is generally (but not solely) used by DJI WRT their own FC's. In the DJI world ATTI mode is flight that is gyro stabilized but without GPS guidance. It's a rather useful and handly flight mode I wished DID exist in the Yuneec world, btw.

Angle mode is basically the DJI equivalent of GPS Mode. That is, you have full control of the vehicle but GPS is active at all times. If you were to go into the ST16 and turn off GPS whilst in flight, you would effectively be in "ATTI Mode."

To sum up, Angle Mode is not the same at DJI's ATTI mode, and definitely not the same as Smart Mode. If I understand your question correctly and you are looking to fly the equivalent of the DJI ATTI Mode, the best you can do with Yuneec products is fly in Angle Mode with your GPS disengaged. Make sense?
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No they are nothing alike, Atti is with out GPS, Angle is with GPS ! Angle just does not allow use of some of the "Features" and allows some of the safety features to be off, like the 26 foot circle of death is deactivated!
So if we disable gps in angle mode, say for some fancy flying, is the H pro still using its gyro and bottom facing sensors to keep it some what stable?
@Thunderbird360 There is no ATTI mode on the TH or Yuneec products in general. This term is generally (but not solely) used by DJI WRT their own FC's. In the DJI world ATTI mode is flight that is gyro stabilized but without GPS guidance. It's a rather useful and handly flight mode I wished DID exist in the Yuneec world, btw.

Angle mode is basically the DJI equivalent of GPS Mode. That is, you have full control of the vehicle but GPS is active at all times. If you were to go into the ST16 and turn off GPS whilst in flight, you would effectively be in "ATTI Mode."

To sum up, Angle Mode is not the same at DJI's ATTI mode, and definitely not the same as Smart Mode. If I understand your question correctly and you are looking to fly the equivalent of the DJI ATTI Mode, the best you can do with Yuneec products is fly in Angle Mode with your GPS disengaged. Make sense?

:) yep perfectly lear now thx
Ok...i was gonna get involved in this conversation but maybe i dont know what atti is

Bill W.
Atti is one of the three DJI Modes on their sUAS's, It is a setting to switch to when you lose GPS to manually control the DJI craft home or out of trouble!

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