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Battery Storage in a Car on a Hot Day

Mar 31, 2016
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Hello All,
I have a question on battery storage in a car on a hot day...

We are going away this weekend and I plan on taking my H
I plan on charging and topping off my four batteries and the ST16
and putting them in my backpack
I will leave in the hotel room Thursday night but Friday morning
I'll put everything in the back of my car in case I find something interesting to fly around.

Everything will be in the back seat and probably be left there most of the day closed up
with the temperatures expected to be in the 90's.
Same thing for Saturday...
Is this safe for the batteries with the high temperatures, or should I just leave everything at home?

Any suggestions?

Thanks !
Nope! Over 105 degrees is the max heat rating for lipo's. It may be in the 90's outside, but inside the car it will be much hotter, unless you leave the ac on!:confused: They can swell and catch fire . Put them in a zip lock baggy on ice in an ice chest will work! Just don't freeze them either!;)
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Good recommendations from above. I wouldnt want to get the batteries wet. Just realize that the Cold will reduce flight time but won't degrade the battery.
Zip lock is water tight and if you do your math right( 1/4 pound ice in a 5 gallon ice chest) not sitting on the ice, will not freeze it. In fact, many lipo manufacturers recommend storing your lipo's in the fridge 38-40 degrees, when not in use for lengthy times to keep their life!;)
Expect that if it's 90* outside a closed up car can easily hit 120*-140* inside. Not a place you want your batteries.
Why not just keep the batteries with you instead of locked up in a car ???

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