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Best copilot tablet this year?

Apr 25, 2017
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Pretty soon I'm going to need a tablet for my clients to use while I fly. Most of them will want to just watch and direct, but I need to be able to let them control the camera and gimbal too when needed. What have you guys found that can help me cut through the marketing and get to the best one faster?

Pretty soon I'm going to need a tablet for my clients to use while I fly. Most of them will want to just watch and direct, but I need to be able to let them control the camera and gimbal too when needed. What have you guys found that can help me cut through the marketing and get to the best one faster?

Hi, I use a Feelworld 10inch screen and my clieits love to watch. I connect via HDMI cable between the screen and ST16. It all works great!
Pretty soon I'm going to need a tablet for my clients to use while I fly. Most of them will want to just watch and direct, but I need to be able to let them control the camera and gimbal too when needed. What have you guys found that can help me cut through the marketing and get to the best one faster?

Hi Texy.
I would think that since you would want your clients to control the camera and gimbal as well as just watch, the simple answer would be a second ST16 and use Team Mode.
Sounds like you need another st16 in team mode as that's the only way to control the gimbal.
I think you can control the gimbal with an iPad, right?
Ok, well I guess that will have to do. Anyhow, the screen at the link above - does it allow can control?
I can understand getting input from them before you lift off, but I never allow a customer to have anything to do with flight or camera operation. As the artist/creator of the product, at the end of the day your name goes on all of your work as it is a representation of your abilities.
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With two ST-16's you can operate in Team mode, where one -16 controls the aircraft and the other controls the camera. Placing the camera controls in the hands of untrained people is not a very smart thing to do. Permitting them to watch video on an external monitor, which can be done using an HDMI cable from a -16 to the monitor or using a tablet or phone using a Yuneec App is a lot more sensible.
I understand what you mean. But will an iPad effectively manage the task or would the range be too limited?
Only another ST-16 or Wizard Wand can provide any control input. Neither tablets or phones can be used to control any part of a Typhoon H. An iPad using the Yuneec App will provide video to view but range may be limited and some level of latency may be present.
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I should add that an ST-12 or ST-24 can be used to assist some controls of the H. Forgot to mention those.

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