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Camera binding issue!!!

Jan 10, 2016
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I purchased a 2nd ST16 controller to use for team mode. I created a new model and proceeded to bind the new ground station. Everything seemed to work fine. I went to do a test flight. Camera seemed very responsive with little to no lag. I then started to record video and the camera now has a 40 second lag in transmission. I fly around for 6 minutes and I notice the lag is now gone but the camera has stopped recording. I start recording and now there is no lag while recording. I land shut everything off again and turn everything on. I notice that it says fail to connect camera but the camera picture still comes up on the display. I pan up and down and transmission is very fast. I hit the record button and again more than 30 second lag. I hit the record button again to stop recording but the lag remains. I now go back to my original ground station and now it is doing the same thing. I have removed and reinstalled the camera on the frame slider. I have repeatedly rebound the camera to the H and camera and I still can't seem to resolve this issue. When I take off and fly it will fix itself in the air after about 5-7 minutes into the flight. I never had any issues until I bound the 2nd ground station. I never even got the chance to try team mode. I never had both ground stations powered on at the same time. Now no matter what I have tried I can't seem to get a solid bind to either ground station and the camera. It will either fail to bind camera or it will bind and then lag when I hit the record button. Anyone else experience this?
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Holy Moly! So you have had the original H and ST-16 a while I guess. ?
Is the 2nd ST-16 new? I mean brand new.
Holy Moly! So you have had the original H and ST-16 a while I guess. ?
Is the 2nd ST-16 new? I mean brand new.
I have had the original since just after memorial day. The 2nd ground station was purchased on Ebay from a guy who was parting out a dozen units. He was selling the H's, the camera's and the ground stations separately. It looked to be brand new with all the stickers still intact.
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So both controller were not turned on at the same time, sorry! Did you rebind the new controller to camera ? Like it was your first set up?
Does new 16 have latest firmware? must be to be compatible with the H and CGO3+ (If the H was fitted with the latest firmware!)
Does new 16 have latest firmware? must be to be compatible with the H and CGO3+ (If the H was fitted with the latest firmware!)
I have never updated the firmware on my H or ground station. Mine is still the original (every thing worked so well I didn't want to update until there were good reports). The new ground Station has the same firmware as my original ground station so it shouldn't be the issue. My original ground station has the black covered switches and the new one has the bare silver switches but they are both running same firmware.
Ah, not team mode. My apologies.

OK, I do know that the camera binds separately from the H. The cam, in fact, will bind by itself, even tho the craft is not bound.

I admit this is above my pay grade. Let us know how you make out.
Maybe the person you bought the 16 did upgrade it, what I am asking is are both 16 the same firmware update ? If the new 16 was updated and you have not updated the H, Then they will not mate together properly!
Okay, then this is beyond my knowledge level! I hope Yuneec can set it right for you, Let me know my friend!

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