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Camera has no memory card! display on the st16

Aug 12, 2018
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Just got my Typhoon H back from warranty repair and took it for a first flight. All was well until I tried to access the memory card video. I get "camera has no memory card installed" when I select to take a video on the st16.

The warranty repair was for the replacement of the WIFI card and replace memory card holder in the camera. There was a 256gb card in it from the repair service. I suspect that the camera repair did not go so well! I do get the picture on the st16 so I know that the wifi is working.
Just wonder if anyone else may have had this problem?
Also, are we sure the H can read a card that big ? I'm sure I have read somewhere that the max was 128, but may be wrong about that...
Yes, I think 128GB is the max recommended... first thing I would do is a smaller capacity, freshley formatted exFat... for the purposes of this, the 16GB card that came with the H would be perfect.
The highest capacity card I ever tried with the H was a 128g SanDisk and it worked fine. I have not heard of anyone trying a 256g card before this.
Yes I did format the card on the computer as the st16 would not recognize the 265 GB tf card. This is the tf card that was returned to me in the camera from warranty repair. However I did rumble around in my memory cards and found a 16GB and installed it in the camera and it was recognized by the st16 and was able to format the card with no problems. Now I can toggle either the video or photo buttons and get the right response.. However now another problem pops up. St16 gives the message "real sense not detected, please restart aircraft if installed" once you hit the ok tab then another message appears saying "OBS avoidance failed" The st16 shows on the right side "OBS failed" tab, "setting calibration tab" and "channel settings tab" non responsive
Is the RealSense installed checkbox checked in advanced system settings?
OBS will always show as failed when the aircraft is under 6’- 10’ in height if switched on.
The OBS switch was tried in both positions with the same result.
The advance option was selected and still had the same results.
I uninstalled the real sense and still was getting the same result.
Contacted Yuneec support and got an ra to return for repairs. So will see if they can straighten this out.

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