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CCC Mode Camera Gimbal automation.

Jun 25, 2016
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Hello, Tried the CCC mode and the flying part seems to work well BUT the manual states:

"If the PAN mode of the gimbal camera is switched to Follow and Follow Pan
Controllable modes, the gimbal PAN and TILT angle will be adjusted as the same
as the angle what the gimbal camera is at each waypoint automatically and

What I have tried several times is to have the camera pointing right, go to the next waypoint hit + and change it to left and go one more WP and save it.

When I play it back the camera just points forward and waits for a manual command from the two controls. Am I reading that statement above correctly??

Two possibilitys:
With Switch2 (Pan Switch) in Pos 3 (down) you can comtroll the cam with the right stick of ST16 while the H flies the waypoints.

With the same switch in Pos1 (up) at each waypoint tilt and pan of cam will be saved. For Pan you have to yaw the H to the position you want, Pan with the K1 knob will not be saved.
So fly to the waypoint, yaw your H so it points to the wished pan and then save it.
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Are you trying to keep the camera pointed in the direction of an object that you are flying by going to the next waypoint or are you trying to have the camera in that 'right looking' position when you get to the next waypoint?
Hello, Tried the CCC mode and the flying part seems to work well BUT the manual states:

"If the PAN mode of the gimbal camera is switched to Follow and Follow Pan
Controllable modes, the gimbal PAN and TILT angle will be adjusted as the same
as the angle what the gimbal camera is at each waypoint automatically and

What I have tried several times is to have the camera pointing right, go to the next waypoint hit + and change it to left and go one more WP and save it.

When I play it back the camera just points forward and waits for a manual command from the two controls. Am I reading that statement above correctly??

Camera Pan is NOT saved in the waypoint. You have to yaw the aircraft to point the camera where you want it. :mad: What's the point of the 360° camera, you say?:rolleyes: Yeah, CCC mode is kinda disappointing. Let's not even get started about controlling the speed.

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