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D*** the torpidos, full speed ahead!

By the FAA it self, yes. Remember, they are farming out enforcement. Here we have BLM Rangers, US Border Patrol, and US ICP officers some of whom are gung-ho. A citation from one of them wouldn't be an incident?

They can cite you for anything they cover, but only the FAA can issue a violation for the FARs.
They can cite you for anything they cover, but only the FAA can issue a violation for the FARs.
If any LEO, espeseialy a Federal Officer, cites you, and it involves an aircraft, manned or unmanned, the FAA is going to get involed. They are looking for someone to make an example of, and the ramifications of that, go far beyond a hefty fine.
I have those docs printed out and in my “Legal” red folder I carry to every job.
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@Phaedrus Here's a good one for you....when someone is bothering you and threatening you and they call the police....turn the tables on them.


  • Drone Operations Interference Laws.pdf
    63.6 KB · Views: 19
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@Phaedrus Here's a good one for you....when someone is bothering you and threatening you and they call the police....turn the tables on them.
None of the laws, stopped the guy in MN from shooting an aircraft out of the sky, and who knows what might have happened if he had found the operator. As written in the proposed rules, that infromation would be availabe.
None of the laws, stopped the guy in MN from shooting an aircraft out of the sky, and who knows what might have happened if he had found the operator. As written in the proposed rules, that infromation would be availabe.

I'm not sure of your point here or even the relevancy to the conversation. We all know that laws don't prevent people from doing things, that's up to personal choice. Laws simply provide a recourse for punishment and/or financial recovery. They also serve as a deterrent and to influence personal choice which is still up to the individual. The whole "Criminals don't obey the law, that's why they're criminals" argument.

My post was for the 99.99% of interactions with an annoying, self-important self-appointed authority figure trying to control you and your actions.

Since you brought it up, the use of a deadly weapon, deadly conduct, and discharge of a firearm is a situation in which you should seek any means available to extract yourself as quickly and safely as possible. Let Law Enforcement handle the situation and only as a very last resort defend yourself, if your life is in imminent danger, (if you, like me, carry) use lethal force. If you live in an area where the laws don't allow you to defend yourself, well, sorry but yeah, you'll probably be killed. Sorry about that. God, I love Texas. Maybe you could curl up in the fetal position and pee on yourself. I seem to remember that being recommended at some point. Personally, I'd hate to be found shot to death, curled up in a ball with piss all over me.

As far as your information being available to the public, that is by no means decided. In fact, the FAA recognizes this potential danger and has written into the NPRM the following:


The FAA is proposing an option for UAS operators to be able to use a session ID assigned by a Remote ID USS as the UAS Identification, instead of the unmanned aircraft serial number. This would provide a layer of operational privacy. The association between a given session ID and the unmanned aircraft serial number would not be available to the public through the broadcast message. This association would be available to the issuing Remote ID USS, the FAA, and other authorized entities, such as law enforcement.

If this route is adopted, and most likely would be, then none of your information would be available to the public. Even if they had software capable of intercepting, all they'd get is a Session ID. Even this is an unknown. We haven't heard anything back from the Open Comment Period. So, making definitive statements or taking a solid position on the subject is premature and not very well thought out.
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Manned aircraft's ADS-B OUT does not broadcast the aircraft's serial # nor it's N #. Why are we being treated differently? Because Amazon, BNSF, Fedex etc want us out of the sky!
Amazon has bought all the skies over america so its theirs to do what they want. They didnt lose a single dime lobbying for this because the Government gives them welfare in the form of Tax credits. All Airlines might have to file flight plans with Amazon before takeoff.And in the end nobody will want what looks like a flying bbq grill with 18 inch metal props flying over their houses and fight over it.
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You might say they bought all the sky, but it wasn't just amazon. There was not a single small business, on the FAA's sUAS advisory panel, so deep pockets got their way.
You might say they bought all the sky, but it wasn't just amazon. There was not a single small business, on the FAA's sUAS advisory panel, so deep pockets got their way.
Sad part is Government Agencies could care less about the small interest groups, unless theres something in it for them...
Sounds like a lot of Yak, Whos biz is it that U play with your toy helo, I've repaired a many a craft from bird strikes, Yes a great deal of damage can be done but No the likelihood of a small drone causing a crash to a full size aircraft is very small. No more so than U dying on your way home to work from a airplane crashing atop your car, or your 3 year old suffering permanent brain damage from falling off his tricycle without a helmet, some things have just been taken way to far in our land of Governmental control.
If a commercial airliner could be brought down by a small plastic drone, I'd never fly on an airline again.
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Okay I'm sure that is not that they own all the airspace.. Probably more like they have the freedom to fly anywhere they want with out limitations.. But lets be honest here do ya think they have the right to lets say fly over a space shuttle airspace or control military air operations more then likely not. And lets say this is possible that Amazon really does OWN all airspace over every sq mile of land in the US.. They have now set them selves up for endless lawsuits over Smog. air pollution plane crashes due to whatever if an airline has to confirm with Amazon to fly and so on. I just don't see it.. I will continue to do my hobby reguardless.. DRUGS are illegal and drug addicts continue to partake in recrational use daily.
Okay I'm sure that is not that they own all the airspace.. Probably more like they have the freedom to fly anywhere they want with out limitations.. But lets be honest here do ya think they have the right to lets say fly over a space shuttle airspace or control military air operations more then likely not. And lets say this is possible that Amazon really does OWN all airspace over every sq mile of land in the US.. They have now set them selves up for endless lawsuits over Smog. air pollution plane crashes due to whatever if an airline has to confirm with Amazon to fly and so on. I just don't see it.. I will continue to do my hobby reguardless.. DRUGS are illegal and drug addicts continue to partake in recrational use daily.
It's all about flying, BVLOS. They don't want you and me in their way, because what they will be flying is a lot bigger than what we fly.
It's all about flying, BVLOS. They don't want you and me in their way, because what they will be flying is a lot bigger than what we fly.
Yeah I understand that. But to say they own the sky is a little over the top. I think that like a radar gun there is a radar detector and there is already Drone scramble guns on the market so it will be fun to see how this doesn't pan out for them. Again Lawsuits will happen as if one of those Amazon drone kills someone..
All I want to know is what type of batteries do they use, and why cant we get the same flight time that they are getting ? Zipline says that they will fly at 500 meters (496' or so) And drop at like 100' your package, wheres it going to end up at on a windy day ? What do you do with the parachute, etc.
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All I want to know is what type of batteries do they use, and why cant we get the same flight time that they are getting ? Zipline says that they will fly at 500 meters (496' or so) And drop at like 100' your package, wheres it going to end up at on a windy day ? What do you do with the parachute, etc.
The parachute is easy to get rid of. what I want to know is, what do you do with the little monkey that steers the parachute!
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