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Firmware update due out

I was under the impression, that OA only works in Smart Mode, but others will argue. How will OA stop the H when flying at 35-45 mph when it has a 4' response range?;)
the information I got from Yuneec support regarding the firmware update was "The largest thing they did was add the realsense so that the transmitter and the drone will be applicable to update the realsense. "
I was under the impression, that OA only works in Smart Mode, but others will argue. How will OA stop the H when flying at 35-45 mph when it has a 4' response range?;)
Because it does not fly at 35-40 when OA is switched on, It goes a lot slower and the reason I don't use it (except to test).
Speaking of updates, is there any way to incorporate Maps into the ST16. Just saw a vid by Demonseed on Youtube about the way maps are part of the DJI interface. Just wondering.
According to a post in the FB Yuneec Typhoon H Owners page, somebody has spoken to Yuneec UK and the firmware update (for the connectivity, plus other issues) is due any day now (hopefully Friday). Aparently they are testing right now. Just passing on the info.

Looking forward to it!
Speaking of updates, is there any way to incorporate Maps into the ST16. Just saw a vid by Demonseed on Youtube about the way maps are part of the DJI interface. Just wondering.
Highly unlikly. The reason I say this is because DJI uses maps via GPS in your phone or tablet. Your phone or tablet obtains the map image from a cell data network. If you use a tablet without cell data then you have to cache the map while connected to a wifi home network and use that image data when flying. The ST16 has no cell data capability.

I'm not saying Yuneec couldn't allow for the cache map option. They would just have to explain to users that they need to connect the ST16 to a home wifi network and to then download maps of the area you plan to fly into the Yuneec Android App.
I think OA is only for smart mode. Noobs need it more,lol.
In order for the anti collision function to work, the switch has to be 'on' and the landing gear 'up'. The aircraft should be at least 3 meters or 10 feet above ground. Only then should you see a Green indication on the screen. If it's yellow, then the aircraft won't recede when it sees an object in the way. Also, the white lights should blink on and off on the front arms of the aircraft. As to why it works in Smart Mode, I have no idea. I have not flown in Smart Mode so far.

If you have the version 1.1 manual, you can read most of what I said on page 9.
Good luck,

Other than the record and camera button I have had no problems. My H flies really really good. So I'm kind of wondering since I now have my two buttons , Should I or should I not do this firmware update.

Were you having problems with the buttons not responding when you tried to take pictures or video. I have to hit mine several times quickly.

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