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Aug 14, 2016
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Hello From Big Ed, I've been into r/c since it was born. Cars, boats, airplanes and helio's.
Bought a Tyhoon Q500 4k and love it. I wooowed my 38 yr old son, landed it without using home scared my son when I put it in home and had him hold the st10+ he liked that. Just one problem that I hoped I found it. It recorded video as wireless.conf' what is that ???
The wireless.conf file contains the password for the camera wifi. The videos you record should be on the camera's sd card in the DCIM folder and then the 100MEDIA folder.
Is that the information you were looking for?
Steve, I tried recording video on the 16g sd, class 10, U3 card that came with the Q500, formated and still black screen plays on the monitor,
Either email me at [email protected] or call me @ 774.365.9259
The wireless.conf file contains the password for the camera wifi. The videos you record should be on the camera's sd card in the DCIM folder and then the 100MEDIA folder.
Is that the information you were looking for?
The wireless.conf file contains the password for the camera wifi. The videos you record should be on the camera's sd card in the DCIM folder and then the 100MEDIA folder.
Is that the information you were looking for?
how do i access this wireless.conf file to use the password to access the camera wifi ????
Steve, It was my video player, I got the correct player on the website videolan.org for free and I got the recorded files working. Now I need to resolve the problem with the camera listing to one side.

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