Last weekend, I spent a few hours doing the firmware update. I also did fresh calibrations except for the compass. Today, I did the compass calibration and that took two tries before it succeeded. I installed the props and checked all switch positions. Everything looked fine and I started the motors. I gave it power and it lifted off just fine. I leveled at about 6-7 feet and it hovered just great, without any drift.
I then pulled the gear up lever and NOTHING HAPPENED! The gears did not move a twitch! I increased the height to about fifteen feet AGL and tried again. NO gear up at all. I slowed the motors and brought it down very gently and landed. I took the props off and turned the "H" upside down in my lap and tried the gear lever again. This time, one gear moved about three inches and stopped. I flipped the switch and it returned to the gear down position. I've never had any hard landings in the few months that I've had my Typhoon H.
I am lost for any solution. I'm wondering if anyone else has had this problem after the firmware update? The landing gear worked just fine before the firmware update.
I then pulled the gear up lever and NOTHING HAPPENED! The gears did not move a twitch! I increased the height to about fifteen feet AGL and tried again. NO gear up at all. I slowed the motors and brought it down very gently and landed. I took the props off and turned the "H" upside down in my lap and tried the gear lever again. This time, one gear moved about three inches and stopped. I flipped the switch and it returned to the gear down position. I've never had any hard landings in the few months that I've had my Typhoon H.
I am lost for any solution. I'm wondering if anyone else has had this problem after the firmware update? The landing gear worked just fine before the firmware update.