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Flashing Lights Inside the TH RealSense Normal?

Jul 22, 2016
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I have been paying close attention the my TH with RealSense and I have noticed there is a blast blocking light inside the body that is blue in color and another red one that just seems to be standard power.

The blue light flashes like sparks, but it has one other odd behavior, it seems to flash a rate relative to the hight of the drone from the floor. I Can hear the sonic ticking sound and there si a direct proportion to the blue spark like flashes inside the body, the ticking sound and the height. Its very fast when on the ground, and slows as you raise it.

I have not been flying it yet, just moving it by hand as I have been testing the compass error condition.

I was wondering if anyone else has this and confirm if its normal or some sort of issue. I plan to Call yuneec in the morning before my flights. My first gut reaction was it sparks, but then this regular pattern revealed itself and started to think it just must be a status light inside the body. I have not seem this on my other two drones prior to this one, but I will admit I have not been using them in the dark until today either.
I would guess it's the sonic sensor, a kind of sonar, which emits an audible tick and then measures the amount of time it takes to bounce back from the floor which is then converted to distance.
I would guess it's the sonic sensor, a kind of sonar, which emits an audible tick and then measures the amount of time it takes to bounce back from the floor which is then converted to distance.

Thats my gut feel on this also, its the blight blue "spark" like flashes inside the body that look like electrical arcing that made me second guess....
I don't think you can see it in regular light, just when its darker..... I'm good with it being a flashing LED, but if its electrical arcing that is not good. Its only from the right back side of the craft.... (when looking at it from the back)

I've never seen that but then again I'm getting old and my hearing and eyesight isn't what it used to be but maybe you have an untapped super power with bat like ears and the visual acuity to see into the ultraviolet and infrared...I'm jealous : ) But in all seriousness, hopefully is isn't, electrical arching, that would be bad. Electronics stop working when you let the magic smoke out. I'm also surprised you might be able to hear sonar ticking/clicking over the prop noise.


I've never seen that but then again I'm getting old and my hearing and eyesight isn't what it used to be but maybe you have an untapped super power with bat like ears and the visual acuity to see into the ultraviolet and infrared...I'm jealous : ) But in all seriousness, hopefully is isn't, electrical arching, that would be bad. Electronics stop working when you let the magic smoke out. I'm also surprised you might be able to hear sonar ticking/clicking over the prop noise.


The props are not spinning / flying when I see this... Right now I just had it powered on and testing it etc before I fly it... so hearing the noises is actually not that hard.. I'm indoors and no wind noise etc.

I'll be calling the guys from Yuneec this morning to ask them... another 7 min and they open shop - just want to make sure, if they tell me there is a led light in there that blinks when the sonar works thats good news... I will know shortly;

The props are not spinning / flying when I see this... Right now I just had it powered on and testing it etc before I fly it... so hearing the noises is actually not that hard.. I'm indoors and no wind noise etc.

I'll be calling the guys from Yuneec this morning to ask them... another 7 min and they open shop - just want to make sure, if they tell me there is a led light in there that blinks when the sonar works thats good news... I will know shortly;

Well, you've got my curiosity up now. I will check mine tonight. I had just never noticed that before when it was just sitting there.

Its much easer to see when the room lights are dim/off - I don't think you can see it in sunlight... I will try and record it with the iPhone at the end of the day and see how it turns out... and I'll past what Yuneec says about this.. I'm really hoping its a internal LED light.... I just found two battery's in my collection that take 9 hours to charge... so I have to have those swapped... These are the only two batteries I have flow (I have 6 batteries) because of my issues with the first 2 units I had. I'm hoping there is no correlation between the two bad battery's and the this spark like thing its doing on me.... I feel this sparking like thing is just the sonar and a a led light inside and the battery issue is not related but I can't take the chance, I have to know....
Okay, Just spoke to Yuneec and they said the clicking sound is the sonar and they do have a blue light that flashes inside the body. They said its not electrical sparking etc... I guess nothing to worry about..... I guess in retrospect there is no burning/electrical burning smell so this could just be what they said it is and no need to worry....

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