Captain Bruno - My thoughts ~ Don't do it. AZ is already pushing a lot of legislation to pretty much ban "Drone" flying in every city. Don't help. The activities that you are planning are the some of exact reasons why they are pushing legislation.
I agree, I live in AZ and they have already banned it in Pima county parks, several city parks. The city parks have a blanket rule that they can apply to any activity that they dont like, regardless of whether it's justified or not. I used to goto my local park and fly inside an empty baseball field. I flew at less than 20 ft alt. and
only if there was no one around for at least 300ft in every direction. then one day i went to my favorite spot only to find a sign on the fence saying " the operation of model airplanes in this park is prohibited" (That happened shortly after all the drone hype news stories just before christmas) . My Q is neither a model or an airplane, but I realized i was no longer welcome. so now i go well out of my to find legal places that are void of other humans.
That being said, if we do get to point where local governments overstep their authority and create even more ridiculous and unnecessary laws restricting my right to safely fly ( i think the FAA , with the help of the drone Industry, should set the rules), I will most likely organize a peaceful drone demonstration/protest at a major Tucson City park. I have some extra cash set aside as there will no doubt be some legal fees involved after the dust settles. But if that's what it will take to bring some positive attention to this industry, then I am willing to take that chance.
We need to keep in mind that drones are here to stay, the industry is way bigger than most people realize. There are some big hitters who's interests are inline with ours. And it's growing everyday. But, this is brand new territory and we need to do everything we can to NOT fuel the fires against us, and that includes flying with common sense as well as getting involved in the UAV community!
The people who get attention in the media are the morons who mount guns and flame throwers to drones. they get all the press and it is devastating to our cause. So WE need to be extra careful not to draw any negative attention ourselves. As much as I want to film city life from above, I am not willing to take a chance and risk someone's safety.
You could be up a 100ft, and then a motor fails. Now you have a 5 pound rock with at least 3 spinning blades heading straight down towards peoples heads! At best you'll miss everyone and smash your drone to a million pieces, at worst ( and every bit as possible), you'll end up
killing a fellow human being.
I cant live with that.