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I hope H+ updates address these issues

I once again had problems yesterday with the ability to turn on the video camera and also switch from photo to video. A new inaccurate error message was also cropping up prior to my launches "No SD Card Installed" when there was one in there that had already written data. The unreliability of this machine after flying 6 batteries in a day is starting to worry me. The H+ may fall in the category of "not suggested for professional use" as each time I use it for a day of flying after a few batteries it becomes quite flaky. I'm flying in temps in the 50's and 60's and in most instances in calm winds but receiving error upon error message and the inability to have a workable camera and inaccurate error messages is quite troubling. The auto download software feature cause me to wonder once again how do I reload what appears to be corrupted firmware / software. It's a bit of a closed loop at this point to me which means zero can be done in the field when problem arise beside keep rebooting and say a wee prayer camera will engage properly. When the unit works properly it produces excellent results but I seriously question its reliability.
Is anyone compiling a list and actually sending to the correct Yuneec representatives?

Listing the wants and need in this forum is great, but does nothing if the feedback goes no further.

Perhaps another dedicated thread titled something like “Master list of needs and wants” can be created, and a moderator/admin could compile and forward to Yuneec. I know there are a few members here who seem to have a pipeline in place.

A thought, anyway.


Regarding your thoughts, I'm posting on this thread so others who either own or are contemplating purchase can see issues. I hope the fact that many of my comments are sent directly to the product manager of the H+ by me reassures your concerns regarding the information falling into the right hands.
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You can unlock the height allowing up to 1640 feet AGL right from the controller so - 14 is there already. 16 - (I think I did this once) and 17 - for sure it does auto turn off idle after 15 seconds.
Glad you addressed his concerns as being unwarranted. The new interface allows you to easily adjust height you wish to fly at without the GUI. Yesterday I was at 1300 feet doing a series of pans...it worked great and stays at the setting until yo choose to change it.
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Hey Mickey...what's in the rock?...last summer I did some flying over a rather large open pit mine(currently shut down) and after 2 batteries acting rather strangely,left the area to find a different place to video...on the way out I happened to pass an information sign that said the mine had previously produced magnetite...this was with a Q500+ and I haven't had a problem since...maybe similar ?
Perhaps it's mineral deposits in the frozen ice...scratched from the earth's surface by the glaciers.
Magnetite is formed with iron. A lot of the places I go in the NC Blue Ridge Mtns mine magnetite. I always pick up some polished magnetite to use as magnets on my trips. I never thought of it potentially messing with compasses.

For those interested in magnetite

Magnetite from North Carolina, USA

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