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I'm not sure why it says I need an update?


Dr. FrankenPhoon
Oct 11, 2018
Reaction score
Olympic Peninsula
I just checked for updates and it says I need an update, but there is nothing new that I can see. What is strange is that nothing happens when I tap Update.
Does anyone else get this Update notice? Can anyone else download it?

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Another senior moment??
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I just checked for updates and it says I need an update, but there is nothing new that I can see. What is strange is that nothing happens when I tap Update.
Does anyone else get this Update notice? Can anyone else download it?

View attachment 18305
Its normal look on YouTube for how to update hplus, at the end of video its the same,it says push update then its says no update.
Its normal look on YouTube for how to update hplus, at the end of video its the same,it says push update then its says no updat

No, it is not normal to get an Update alert when you already have the latest firmware.
No, it is not normal to get an Update alert when you already have the latest firmware.
Hi ,dhc you did not say it was a alert , i dont think,you must update twice, once with the controleur, then the second time you must connect the camera to update the drone i think.if you have done that ,then its a bug.if it affects the drone or camera, then i would factory reset the controller, then ask yuneec for the datapilot( ie) the app.you will loss it after the reset.
A little food for thought here.

If your system is working correctly and you are happy with performance you don’t “need” to perform an update. A wise person does not try to fix anything that already works as they need it to.

This is especially true with drone firmware. If you don’t know what is being updated, what changes to expect after an update, of the update lacks history of success from other users, don’t rush to change what you have for an unknown. As has happened with drone manufacturers in the past you could find yourself stuck with unpleasant results.
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If your system is working correctly and you are happy with performance you don’t “need” to perform an update. A wise person does not try to fix anything that already works as they need it to.
My system has never worked correctly, therefore I have nothing to loose by an update, I am welcoming the next one. I still have un-commanded assent issues, and I'm one of the few who's gimbal buzz never got corrected. It is very intermittent and I cannot count my system working correctly at any given time. It has gotten to the point that I'm not using it anymore because of this. I am already "...stuck with unpleasant results" I would welcome any update that fixed my gimbal buzz and the auto ascend issues. Now that Yuneec has introduced the H3, my hopes of an update are diminishing. I wish Yuneec would have completely fixed the Plus before introducing a new one. :mad:
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I just checked, and an update was waiting. I had my first uncommanded ascent the other day on a job. I've had a 4.7V avionics low power warning...on every flight since new. I'm hoping the update solves some of these problems.
I just checked for updates and it says I need an update, but there is nothing new that I can see. What is strange is that nothing happens when I tap Update.
Does anyone else get this Update notice? Can anyone else download it?

View attachment 18305
Now there is a new OTA available, please kindly have a try. Any feedback can share in the board.
I just checked, and an update was waiting. I had my first uncommanded ascent the other day on a job. I've had a 4.7V avionics low power warning...on every flight since new. I'm hoping the update solves some of these problems.
ascent issue should be fixed with the new UPDATE
Now there is a new OTA available, please kindly have a try. Any feedback can share in the board.
I do not see a new OTA Update available. I have 822/829 installed and it says no update required. I am in the USA and I have had this update for several months, it is not new.
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I do not see a new OTA Update available. I have 822/829 installed and it says no update required. I am in the USA and I have had this update for several months, it is not new.
factoryOTA in hidden menu
Okay, I tried build 893 as suggested.

The first thing I learned is it did not fix the gimbal buzz, which I was hoping it would do. Gimbal buzz is still present. I am still waiting.

Second: I do not think it helped the un-commanded ascent issue, but it seemed to change it. I flew about 10 very short flights and I had one flight where the throttle seem to be 200% up and 0% down. It did not ascend by itself like before, and it would hover properly with no input. However it would only ascend violently with the slighted up input and not descend at all with full down input. I was able to still reach it so I hand caught it and emergency stopped the motors. I power-cycled only the aircraft, and it was normal again. Hardware monitor of the ST16S showed that the sticks were operating normally. The rest of the flights were normal.

Third: Flight Control Settings work great! This is the best part of the build. Thank you Yuneec for giving this back to us. The ability to change the Expo curves while flying is even better than the H480. The individual rate sliders for pitch and yaw are also a very nice feature. However the labeling of the "Altitude" slider is misleading to those of us who use Mode 2. "Altitude" needs to be changed to "Pitch" for it to make sense to us who speak English and use Mode 2.

Forth: The slow zoom effect when changing the digital focal length is NOT a welcome feature and NOT a useful feature. It is the WRONG feature! If the C23 could change focal length while recording, then the slow zoom would be very good. But since we have to stop the camera to change magnification, it is wasted time to wait for it to stop zooming before we can record again.

This feature needs to wait until the C23 can record while zooming, then it would be very useful. As it is now, it takes 2.5 seconds to go from 1x to 2x, 5 seconds from 2x to 4x, and about 8 seconds from 4x to 8x. To make matters worse it is also cumulative because it takes almost 8 seconds to go from 1x to 4x and a whopping 15 seconds to do 1x to 8x. This is way too long to wait until we can start recording again. The moment would be lost.

Please bring back the instant zoom until the camera can make use of slow zoom.
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Okay, I tried build 893 as suggested.

The first thing I learned is it did not fix the gimbal buzz, which I was hoping it would do. Gimbal buzz is still present. I am still waiting.

Second: I do not think it helped the un-commanded ascent issue, but it seemed to change it. I flew about 10 very short flights and I had one flight where the throttle seem to be 200% up and 0% down. It did not ascend by itself like before, and it would hover properly with no input. However it would only ascend violently with the slighted up input and not descend at all with full down input. I was able to still reach it so I hand caught it and emergency stopped the motors. I power-cycled only the aircraft, and it was normal again. Hardware monitor of the ST16S showed that the sticks were operating normally. The rest of the flights were normal.

Third: Flight Control Settings work great! This is the best part of the build. Thank you Yuneec for giving this back to us. The ability to change the Expo curves while flying is even better than the H480. The individual rate sliders for pitch and yaw are also a very nice feature. However the labeling of the "Altitude" slider is misleading to those of us who use Mode 2. "Altitude" needs to be changed to "Pitch" for it to make sense to us who speak English and use Mode 2.

Forth: The slow zoom effect when changing the digital focal length is NOT a welcome feature and NOT a useful feature. It is the WRONG feature! If the C23 could change focal length while recording, then the slow zoom would be very good. But since we have to stop the camera to change magnification, it is wasted time to wait for it to stop zooming before we can record again.

This feature needs to wait until the C23 can record while zooming, then it would be very useful. As it is now, it takes 2.5 seconds to go from 1x to 2x, 5 seconds from 2x to 4x, and about 8 seconds from 4x to 8x. To make matters worse it is also cumulative because it takes almost 8 seconds to go from 1x to 4x and a whopping 15 seconds to do 1x to 8x. This is way too long to wait until we can start recording again. The moment would be lost.

Please bring back the instant zoom until the camera can make use of slow zoom.

Thanks a lot for the test and so details feedback. We will check gimbal buzz issue, and for ascend issue, would wait for more test and users' feedback.

The present zoom design is old and a new solution is implemented with trim pad in H3.

It's highly appreciated if some pilots could help check wifi performance since there is improvement in this version.
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New firmware should not need to be “tested” by users. That’s what factory software factory flight test teams are for. If software has not been tested and found functional and safe for general release it should not be released to the public. Any manufacturer releasing defective software that induces property damage or personal injury would be held liable for the damages in a legal action.

Concealing critical updates in a “hidden menu” is, bluntly, stupid. There’s nothing that can be said in defense of such practices.

International business rules are changing in this country and foreign manufacturers will likely find they won’t be able to avoid liability going forward as they had in the past. As defective firmware affects product in many countries a manufacture will eventually learn they will not be able to withstand the ire of many countries against the one. Those countries need only to prohibit the sale of any given brand or product to make their point. Such has happened before. “Rape and run” is not viewed as a fair and reasonable business practice.

Something else a manufacturer should consider when planning the release of a new product is consumer trust. If the manufacturer has a history of failing to correct product issues consumers lose trust and faith in the manufacturer. When a manufacture abandons previous products with continuing issues in favor of a new product, potential buyer of the new product have no reason to believe the latest, greatest will be any more reliable than the previous products. This is especially applicable when a new release is essentially the same as two previous releases, having only an accessory as the primary selling feature. When consumers believe there is a high probability of performance and reliability problems being carried over from previous products they don’t buy the new product release, and spend their money with someone else.

There are enough different products on the market at price points to fit everyone to satisfy most every need. Because of that it’s a buyer’s market, not a seller’s market. Sellers must recognize if they don’t make the buyers happy the buyers will make the sellers very unhappy.
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Which sums up why I have not had an airframe in over a year now... I'll look elsewhere if the H3 does not come out of the gate on all eight cylinders. There have been too many residual issues for too long on the H Plus, to justify a "well maybe things will be sorted out by the 3rd FW update" mindset.
Concealing critical updates in a “hidden menu” is, bluntly, stupid. There’s nothing that can be said in defense of such practices.
LOL! As if it is not bad enough that the menu is hidden, they make the password unavailable. Gotta admit, that is a nice touch. Although in the end it was not difficult to obtain, but I had demonstrate I was worthy of it, then sworn to secrecy with a verbal non-disclosure agreement not to share it with anyone, not even my dog! (so don't even ask!) I'm OK with that because I have something to gain if it fixes my problems. In this case it didn't necessarily fix my problems, but I got control of my Expo curves and rates so it's all good.

You make some very good points Pat about it not being our responsibility to beta test FW. However I really don't mind, especially if it results in a better product, clearly Yuneec can use all the real-world help they can get. On one hand I am honored that my opinion counts and I was given the opportunity to try the FW. It tells us Yuneec is listening -albeit with one ear. Testing and evaluating is something I have done professionally most of my life, and it is something I have always liked doing. On the other hand it would be nice to receive some recompense for my time and efforts, especially since I run the risk of a catastrophe with my aircraft that might not be my fault.

So even though it is a valid point that you make, I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth, and I am not going to be critical of being a beta tester. If Yuneec fixes my gimbal buzz, that will be my recompense.
Best practice has a manufacturer providing a new or old product to specific people to perform beta testing without risking customer money, prior to releasing hard or software to the general public.

You might have forgotten but I designed, made, test flew, and flew UAV’s for paying customers and to send out untested product on the customer’s dime was and still is a very fast way to get thrown out of country. Not performing functional testing is saying the manufacturer is both cheap and lazy, caring little about their customers.

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