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Integrate Parrot Sequoia Camera on TH

I want to integrate the Parrot Sequoia camera on a Yuneec Typhoon H (hexacopter). Did somebody achieve it?
Me too! No, and highly not plausible due to circuit integration, firmware compatibility and Controller compatibility. I was having the same "dream" !:confused:
Lots of dreamers on this thread
Yuneec already did a gimbal for Gopro, with integrated downlink. That gimbal only has three contact, instead of the TH six.
I guess they could easily come out with a similar gimbal that could allow mount any similar camera to the TH.
Sequoia has the same size of a Gopro, except it has a sensor board also. The problem is that it does not have video out.
Mapir multispectral cameras does have video out instead (and cost a lot less with seems same results).

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