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Issue with with micro SD card not being detected in ST16

Jun 9, 2016
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I like to watch or show footage from Micro SD on ST 16's screen using micro sd port on ST16. But for an unknown reason I cannot manage to have the micro SD being detected every time when inserted in ST16. Sometimes it does show the last records in gallery of file manager, sometimes not. I make sure that it is inserted correctly, remove/replace it or even switch off/on the ST16 but sometimes none of this works. Something I miss? Thank you in advance for your help.
If you go into setting then storage then press mount it should mount the micro. Ive had to go into that setting to mount and un mount the micro SD to make it read properly. Its like the safely remove procedure for Windows when you insert of take out of your pc. Try this and see if it works.
If you go into setting then storage then press mount it should mount the micro. Ive had to go into that setting to mount and un mount the micro SD to make it read properly. Its like the safely remove procedure for Windows when you insert of take out of your pc. Try this and see if it works.

Thank you. This worked once, I thought the problem was solved. But the next time , same issue again. Tried another SD card as well, no better result. Don't know what to do.

Thank you. This worked once, I thought the problem was solved. But the next time , same issue again. Tried another SD card as well, no better result. Don't know what to do.
I hate to say this but it's quite possible the microSD slot on your ST16 is defective. Mine failed to work the first time I ever tried it. For this and a host of other quality issues I am sending my Typhoon and ST16 Tx back to Yuneec Europe this week.
I would check with yuneec to see what the capacity of the ST16 can handle. I know for a fact that my 128GB is not able to be seen on my ST16. I also don't have it formatted in Fat32 due to the 4GB file limit.
My Card is formatted in ExFat and my H loves it.
I would check with yuneec to see what the capacity of the ST16 can handle. I know for a fact that my 128GB is not able to be seen on my ST16. I also don't have it formatted in Fat32 due to the 4GB file limit.
My Card is formatted in ExFat and my H loves it.
That is exactly the problem. The ST16 cannot handle the exFAT file system, but the CGO3+ camera can. Go figure!
I've not tried to use a Micro SD card in my St16 yet. I bought a 64 GB card right after I got my T-H, but my desktop PC (WinXP) can't read it, nor can it format it. When I choose 'format', it offers only one choice, exFAT but still refuses to format the card.

My laptop has Win 7 and it can read this card and also agrees that it is formatted as an exFAT. When I try to format the card, it only gives me two choices. exFAT and NTFS. Will NTFS work with either the camera or the ST16? I'm not sure, but seem to recall if you format in NTFS, you can't re-format to any other format. It remains NTFS.

Anyone using a microSD formatted as NTFS?

The 64 GB microSD does work with the camera ok and I can open the video & still photos using my laptop.

At least it didn't cost a fortune to buy the 64 GB card!

Chances are the card reader in your computer is not compatible with the MicroSD card. You may have to buy an external USB card reader. Also, unless you've kept Windows XP up-to-date it won't support exFAT, which was a later addition through a driver update.

NTFS is a much more complex file system than exFAT, which was created specifically for flash storage. While I haven't tried it, I can practically guarantee that NTFS wouldn't work with the camera. It might work with the ST16 because Android supports loading additional file systems, but it certainly wouldn't do that out of the box.

I haven't received my Typhoon H yet so I'm guessing, but I would think you could format the card using the ST16 after going to "Pad". If the ST16 can't format the card either, it may simply be bad or counterfeit, not underheard of with inexpensive flash memory cards.
It seems very odd that the camera works well the the exFAT, but the ST16 does not. There has to be a better answer. Having said that, today I took some still shots and a couple videos using the MicroSD that came with my T-H. After I landed and got back to my house, I pulled the MicroSD from the camera and put it in the ST16. I was actually amazed at how well it does work and the pictures and video were very nice on that 7" screen. The only thing that I goofed up on, was that I forgot to raise the landing gear and one of the still pictures shows it. Duh!!
I sure hope you find a good answer for you "H".

By the way, when I inserted the card into the ST16, I made sure to have the controller upside down just to avoid any accidental insertion further into it! It pays to at least read some of the reports on how others have had problems.

The only problem with these Micro SD cards, is that they are so small, it would be easy to lose one just dropping it!


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