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Motor error! Enter Five-Rotor mode! Please land Immediately

Jun 12, 2016
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I just rec'd my H and am trying to familiarize myself with the unit as much as possible w/o actually flying it - no blades installed. When I turn the copter on and give it some gas, I get the error in the subject line. There is only 1 aircraft model listed in settings which is SR24S_62838V1.07, MODE SELECT is Mode 2,

Anyone help? I am new to the forum and want to say thanks - it's already helped me with a couple of questions! The documentation leaves something to be desired.
I did the same thing. Wanted to go through basic engine rev tests without props and had same issue. Once props were on it worked fine.
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Reactions: SkyEye
thanks everybody. Still not ready to fly - need to work on other issues like the camera not working. This should be a no-brainer right? lol. Unfortunately, while the GS connects to the camera OK and I can pan and tilt, adjust exposure, etc. etc., clicking on the buttons close to the corners of the screen will not work to get pics or videos. Nothing happens. I checked to make sure the buttons are working and did a re-bind. Any ideas?
thanks everybody. Still not ready to fly - need to work on other issues like the camera not working. This should be a no-brainer right? lol. Unfortunately, while the GS connects to the camera OK and I can pan and tilt, adjust exposure, etc. etc., clicking on the buttons close to the corners of the screen will not work to get pics or videos. Nothing happens. I checked to make sure the buttons are working and did a re-bind. Any ideas?

Well, never mind - it turns out I was depressing the buttons for too long. If you hold them for more than a split second they don't work. OH well. lol
Works pretty much like a camera, A quick push of the shutter/start-stop button works for those too;)

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