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New to Yuneec and Android display, quick question..

Mar 30, 2018
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I've been flying DJI with Apple products for about 3 years now, just got a Typhoon H pro with real sense so this is all new to me.. So far I have had 5 flights with no issues and am having fun.. But one thing, I cant find anything on the ST 16 display that show the orientation of the Typhoon, what direction its facing when flying. I like to fly long distance sometimes and with the DJI app you can see the orientation and its helpful when you are very far away. Does the ST 16 show this and I am just not seeing it somewhere?
The H system does not display aircraft orientation. It leaves “ keeping up with the aircraft” to the operator. As the H is a line of sight aircraft there are no “assists” for the operator to fly beyond line of sight. They provide a green arrow to follow if you become disoriented. Push the right stick in the direction the arrow is pointing to get home.
Check this link - Green Arrow Explained
Also remember to use the Search (Magnifier icon) near the upper right of the page. There is a ton of information here which can help.
Just what I was looking for, thanks. The green arrow explanation was exactly what I needed

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