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Newby observation

Dec 25, 2017
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Bought typhoon H at christmas.. Never flown a drone before. Driven offroad and race RC cars also a race boat. Built a few airplanes but never flew them. I bought the Typhoon for the photo opertunities. So that's my small intro. Amost gave up before my first flight, due to all the posts in here about fly aways and crashes.. First attempt last weeknd a 5min flight in an open feild, and it flew well, and I was happy. No undue crashes or fly aways.. Yesterday thought I'd go for a 15 min flight.. Took of just fine, but was drifting about quite alot. No wind but over cast. Enjoyed nearly every minute until my final (5th) landing atempt.. The H was drifting backward but not fast, so I thought I would put a bit of front stick on, just so it landed level. My big mistake, as the H touched down it started bouncing about and the motors tried to take off again. Holding that red button down hard the machine stopped tipped over but no damage. Those three seconds of holding the red button took an eternaty to stop.. Going to make some camera clips to replave the one that went missing from the Gimbal.. My first post over.
Welcome on the forum.

Glad you have landed without damage.

I am quite sure you preformed all the calibrations (compass, accellerometer)far away from electromagnetic sources like a smartphone, router and high-tension powerlines before take off, since you have been studying this forum for a while.
I hope you have waited long enough for the GPS to update its almanac (around 13 minute wait). This is helpful and aids stability if you fly for the first time, but also if you move to another take off at more then 100 miles or so away or had your H tucked away and not been out for a longer period.
I do not know if your second day of flying was in te open field also, I have experienced the H does not like the vicinity of large metal objects, especially during low-level flying or landing. Also does not like landing near powerlines or other sources of distortion.

I fly the H for a year now, no issues, lots of fun. I had a bounce twice, both while landing near large metal objects.
Thank you for your informative reply.. I did get the problem when landing next to 2 lorry containers which have been converted to freazer units. Full metal.. Hopefully that was the cause..

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