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OBS Avoid Landing Issue

Jan 23, 2016
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I've not seen others about this, but if I missed it please forgive. But I had four landings where all motors revved, the H kicked backwards and cartwheeled. The first time broke two props. It was after that 4th time I put it together what was going on... that I was taking off with the OBS toggle in ON position. Sure enough, I made sure it was off and all was fine. Odd thing...it didn't happen every time. So I called Yuneec and they verified to absolutely not takeoff or land with obs Avoid on I was told they are updating the manual to include this.

I share this only as a warning to all to beware.
Thanks for the heads up.
I've not seen others about this, but if I missed it please forgive. But I had four landings where all motors revved, the H kicked backwards and cartwheeled. The first time broke two props. It was after that 4th time I put it together what was going on... that I was taking off with the OBS toggle in ON position. Sure enough, I made sure it was off and all was fine. Odd thing...it didn't happen every time. So I called Yuneec and they verified to absolutely not takeoff or land with obs Avoid on I was told they are updating the manual to include this.

I share this only as a warning to all to beware.

Hi, I have a "H" but what to you mean with "that I was taking off with the OBS toggle in ON position..."??
I've not seen others about this, but if I missed it please forgive. But I had four landings where all motors revved, the H kicked backwards and cartwheeled. The first time broke two props. It was after that 4th time I put it together what was going on... that I was taking off with the OBS toggle in ON position. Sure enough, I made sure it was off and all was fine. Odd thing...it didn't happen every time. So I called Yuneec and they verified to absolutely not takeoff or land with obs Avoid on I was told they are updating the manual to include this.

I share this only as a warning to all to beware.
Aha....OBStruction....: / Best from Sweden :D
Yes, this has been reported before. It's not mentioned in the manual or quick start guide but it's on the warning card (opposite side of the card that shows what the different light patterns mean).
Yes, this has been reported before. It's not mentioned in the manual or quick start guide but it's on the warning card (opposite side of the card that shows what the different light patterns mean).
Many, many problems and crash's are eleminated due to different Yneec forums.. :)
See this user list of tips/instructions. I had written the first 7 in reply to a thread where someone wrote that most problems would be avoided if people read the manual and I replied saying that no official manual exists since Yuneec removed it from their site and that some things were not in the manual, etc. Maybe Yuneec will add our ideas to the quick start guide or something.

Typhoon H User(created) Manual
I've not seen others about this, but if I missed it please forgive. But I had four landings where all motors revved, the H kicked backwards and cartwheeled. The first time broke two props. It was after that 4th time I put it together what was going on... that I was taking off with the OBS toggle in ON position. Sure enough, I made sure it was off and all was fine. Odd thing...it didn't happen every time. So I called Yuneec and they verified to absolutely not takeoff or land with obs Avoid on I was told they are updating the manual to include this.

I share this only as a warning to all to beware.

Make sure smart mode is off, it will do the cartwheel thing if your to close to yourself when landing.
The OBS should not cause a problem because it automatically disables itself below 10 feet off ground.

But I do keep both off during landing and takeoff to be safe.
There are issues that can be so easily remedied by a firmware update.
Simple: If OA=1 then No Arm.
I think Smart Mode should not allow arming either if inside the 26 ft.(?) safety zone.
Yep, this happened to me 2 days ago. I landed in my driveway with OBS on and a second later the motors went to full blast and the drone shot full speed across the ground into my garage door. Lucky I only broke 2 props.

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