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Photo mode.

Jul 18, 2016
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England UK
Just wanted to share a photo I took recently in the local cemetery with the H in photo mode,I'm still learning it's features and manual settings but learning fast.

Nicely done! When you get the hang of it, shoot in "Raw" and edit in post for the ultimate exposures!, But it looks very nice for auto mode!;)
Nicely done! When you get the hang of it, shoot in "Raw" and edit in post for the ultimate exposures!, But it looks very nice for auto mode!;)

Thanks DC it was taken In manual mode but with Jpeg and gorgeous settings selected I maybe didn't get the exposure right also I emailed it directly to myself straight off the st16 so I don't think it's at the full resolution of the photo on the sd card in the camera as that looks a lot sharper.
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Thanks DC it was taken In manual mode but with Jpeg and gorgeous settings selected I maybe didn't get the exposure right also I emailed it directly to myself straight off the st16 so I don't think it's at the full resolution of the photo on the sd card in the camera as that looks a lot sharper.
Still looks awesome Reasty !
Thanks DC it was taken In manual mode but with Jpeg and gorgeous settings selected I maybe didn't get the exposure right also I emailed it directly to myself straight off the st16 so I don't think it's at the full resolution of the photo on the sd card in the camera as that looks a lot sharper.
Be careful flying above cemeteries, the souls who have done their time in purgatory heading up, might take a swat at your H ! LOL !:eek:
Be careful flying above cemeteries, the souls who have done their time in purgatory heading up, might take a swat at your H ! LOL !:eek:

HA HA! I'll take that into consideration! the house you can just about see in the far right of the pic is my house so if they aren't used to me after 30 years living here then I've got no hope HAHA!
HA HA! I'll take that into consideration! the house you can just about see in the far right of the pic is my house so if they aren't used to me after 30 years living here then I've got no hope HAHA!
Nice house! Have a good friend I worked with in Africa for 5 years that lives in Worcester, stayed with him a week a few years ago, looks very similar! had a family cemetery behind his bungalow dating from the 1600's !

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