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Prop wash turbulance

Aug 15, 2019
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Anyone have major issues when bringing the Q down to land? If i have it in no gps mode or regular full rabbit mode with gps it has propwash so bad when bringing it down i have to slowly bring it down while flying forward in circles so it doesnt fall out of the sky. I have already had it fall out of the sky at around 100 ft up because of this. None of my other drones do this. Any suggestions?
Anyone have major issues when bringing the Q down to land? If i have it in no gps mode or regular full rabbit mode with gps it has propwash so bad when bringing it down i have to slowly bring it down while flying forward in circles so it doesnt fall out of the sky. I have already had it fall out of the sky at around 100 ft up because of this. None of my other drones do this. Any suggestions?
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I read it a while back but not understanding what would make my bird worse then others. I'm not sure if something is out of wack or what. I know after it fell out of the sky I see my one propeller has an ever so slight lean so maybe the frame bent just a bit.
I read it a while back but not understanding what would make my bird worse then others. I'm not sure if something is out of wack or what. I know after it fell out of the sky I see my one propeller has an ever so slight lean so maybe the frame bent just a bit.
Something is definitely not right with your Q. The Q500 is not the best drone in world whilst landing. The biggest problem though is it tends to bounce around if you attempt to bring it down too quickly. You can mitigate this to a certain extent by putting it into turtle mode before landing. Then bring it down ever so slowly until it's on the deck.

I've never had my Q500 (or any other drone come to that) fall out of the sky due to prop-wash. There are tried and tested ways to mitigate prop-wash when it happens and they are well documented elsewhere on this forum and indeed on the interweb thingy. I suggest something IS bent or as you say "Out of Whack", with your aircraft.
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Something is definitely not right with your Q. The Q500 is not the best drone in world whilst landing. The biggest problem though is it tends to bounce around if you attempt to bring it down too quickly. You can mitigate this to a certain extent by putting it into turtle mode before landing. Then bring it down ever so slowly until it's on the deck.

I've never had my Q500 (or any other drone come to that) fall out of the sky due to prop-wash. There are tried and tested ways to mitigate prop-wash when it happens and they are well documented elsewhere on this forum and indeed on the interweb thingy. I suggest something IS bent or as you say "Out of Whack", with your aircraft.
Thank you Ren,

I appreciate your response. I have been having to put it on turtle mode lately as I don't want to slip up and start bringing it down full speed as I have multiple UAV's all with different personalities and hard to remember not to! lol.

It didn't always act this way though, this is a new thing that started about a month ago. I used to be able to come down full speed and it would kinda dance around hitting a little turbulence from prop wash but nothing it couldn't handle. Now on turtle mode while going down, it's even worse than it used to be going full speed. I took it by Best Buy last night (I know not the best place for advice) and they looked at it and we compared it to their floor model and my motors/props look normal they said.

I'm just scratching my head as the drone flies like a beast and has no problems except for when I have to start the long process of bringing it down. Heck, this Q500 flies faster with GPS off than my Mavic Pro. Hovers very still and stays in place no problem.

Just haven't the slightest clue what it could be.
You said if fell from 100 ft. Did it crash? If it crashed there may be something haywire with the flight controller.
You said if fell from 100 ft. Did it crash? If it crashed there may be something haywire with the flight controller.
Yes, I flew it out over the lake and back and landed it before any low battery warnings. Then walking to the car I saw something I wanted to catch from the air so I sent it up. It immediately gave me a low battery land now warning, which I instantly starting bringing it down full speed, then 2 seconds later another extremely low battery warning, it wobbled, then very gracefully fell to the ground :-/

All happened within about 45 seconds to a minute tops. I got lucky, only lost one prop, gimbal rubber mounts came loose which I put back into place...and the bottom of the drone cracked slightly where the starboard landing leg attaches.
Yes, I flew it out over the lake and back and landed it before any low battery warnings. Then walking to the car I saw something I wanted to catch from the air so I sent it up. It immediately gave me a low battery land now warning, which I instantly starting bringing it down full speed, then 2 seconds later another extremely low battery warning, it wobbled, then very gracefully fell to the ground :-/

All happened within about 45 seconds to a minute tops. I got lucky, only lost one prop, gimbal rubber mounts came loose which I put back into place...and the bottom of the drone cracked slightly where the starboard landing leg attaches.
You may have an internal problem with the electronics.
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Have you tried connecting it up the the Q500 GUI on your computer? It might give you a clue if something is wrong or some component is about to fail.
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Also before you land in turtle mode just before it hits the ground push the red on-off button and hold it until it lands and make sure the right joy stick is not going forward or backwards. I learned the hard way and have been having good landings ever since.
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Yeah, I've hooked it up and re-flashed everything too (standard firmware update). Still acts a little wonky but has yet to fall out of the sky again and only flying it out where we have a bunch of land. As for using the red button, genius. lol. I've done it a couple of times now and makes things a lot easier especially if a little wind is present.

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