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Purple Orange Indicator

Jun 7, 2016
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Just took my H out and did a compass calibration. Upon completion my main indicator light is blinking a steady purple, orange, nothing, over and over again. Motors won't start. I checked the indicator light guide but there is no alternating purple orange. Any help would be appreciated.
Just took my H out and did a compass calibration. Upon completion my main indicator light is blinking a steady purple, orange, nothing, over and over again. Motors won't start. I checked the indicator light guide but there is no alternating purple orange. Any help would be appreciated.
I would say your Calabration was unsuccessful,try over until you get correct light pattern on motor lights and the falling chime.
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Just took my H out and did a compass calibration. Upon completion my main indicator light is blinking a steady purple, orange, nothing, over and over again. Motors won't start. I checked the indicator light guide but there is no alternating purple orange. Any help would be appreciated.
Hi,I had a similar problem, mine blinked blue white, i had to repeat the callibration till it went green,
if its like the Q500..then you need to callibrate quickly..i get the feeling its timed out,
hope this helps..my H is with yuneec right now..problems!! :(
I was told by Yuneec a flashing orange means a compass calibration is needed... So it would appear your CC failed.

What I find interesting on both my previous "H" which was returned defective and my new one is they will on occasion flash the orange light once or twice during a flight. I only saw it when I was flying at dawn just before sunrise. My first H had a serious problem with just wandering... I'm curious if they have some minor fault in the GPS unit...
I would think angle or pilot mode. I could be wrong I have been before.
Well, I got this resolved. I guess it was a compass calibration fail. Of course now I have bigger problems, but that's in another thread.

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