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Range query

Jul 9, 2018
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Just a quick one ... if I am flying on top of a cliff and say it's 300ft above sea level and I take off on top and go to say 140ft if I went over the cliff would it think it passed the limit and then land ...?
No, the Breeze uses the takeoff point as the zero height reference.

As an example, if you set your RTH height at 20 meters and then launched from the top of the cliff, flew over the edge and descended 70 meters, your altitude would read - 70 meters. If you then initiated an RTH command, the Breeze would rise 130 meters (well above the geofence of 100 meters), fly to the takeoff position, then descend the 60 meters to land itself.

Hope that helps.
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Keep in mind that flying a scenario like that, you must start your return much earlier in the flight. I would suggest at no less than 60%. Better to have shorter flights and fly again, than to run out of power and plummet to an untimely demise.
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Keep in mind that flying a scenario like that, you must start your return much earlier in the flight. I would suggest at no less than 60%. Better to have shorter flights and fly again, than to run out of power and plummet to an untimely demise.
Yeah that's the last thing I want ...this is something like i am trying to get ...view 20180715_094755.jpeg

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