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Recording the ST-16 with Android ?

Jul 6, 2018
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I have found the other threads about the hardware-based ways to do this, but then a friend asked why I couldn't use Android apps like DU Recorder to record the flight screen. I didn't know what to tell him, so said I'd ask you lot ! Obviously I have the following worries (just the first 2 from a fairly long list !), but thought I'd ask for your advice on how justified or not they might be...

1. I presume we don't ever want to leave the flight interface (and therefore disconnect from craft) while in flight, but we 'should' be able to access the Pad and start screen recording before we even turn the H on, right ? And then not have to leave flight mode to stop it until the H is back on the ground and safely motors off ?

2. We can capture quite high resolutions of the screen via DUR - at least 1080, but I worry this will seriously impact the 720P live recording of camera video from the H - I suspect it is a bit much to expect those 2 things to happen concurrently. So, is that the thing that rules this out as a possibility, or does anyone think we can find a way ?! :)
why I couldn't use Android apps like DU Recorder
You cannot install apps on the ST16. They could interfere with the Flight Mode app resulting in the loss of control of the aircraft. The HDMI output is the same resolution received by the ST16. External HDMI recorders are small and fairly inexpensive.
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There we go then - there's the answer :) Didn't know that ! Thanks for updating my knowledgebanks... I guess I'll leave the thread here for anyone else who hasn't realised that yet...

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