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Thank you flytron for saving my H

May 10, 2016
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Melvin Michigan, In the thumb
I was near sunset today, and i noticed some smoke for off on the horizon. Being semi nosey, I thought hey I can check it out with my H. (Scanner was reporting a brush fire)
So off I went, got about 3000 feet out and was stopped by some neighbors asking what I was up to. I let them look at my screen of the fire I was filming. Unfortunately I forgot to check my landmarks in the air, and could no longer see my H. Well I could have seen it if I could have remembered where in the sky I had parked.
Thanks to a suggestion by John L, I have a Flytron Strobon STROBON Standalone - Flytron mounted on the front of one of my landing skids. Hit the left stick till the arrow was pointing straight up, and there was the faint red flash. yes I could have used RTH, but I was more worried about where I was other than 250 feet in the air and 3000 feet down range. Since I was able to find my H in the air, I was able to watch the local FD put the fire out, never watch something like that from that kind of vantage point.

Moral of the story, make sure you keep an eye out for where you park, very easy to lose LOS.
Please do not fly over fires this is a violation plus very dangerous for the fire fighter in the air. I am not being negative just want every one to be aware and safe when you put a drone in the sky. We all have a responsibility that should be taken seriously for the well being of the public and all pilots.
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As inviting as it might be. Please stay away from fires and emergency crews, unless given permission by officials. We don't need bad publicity.

Definitely. There's been several reports of people flying 'drones' near fires here in California and supposedly interfering with fire fighting operations.

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Definitely. There's been several reports of people flying 'drones' near fires here in California and supposedly interfering with fire fighting operations.

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And one arrested and fined $10,000, Bob, the heli's and planes do not appear from nowhere! And have to fly in to the fire from miles out and you being a 1/2 mile away could very easily be in their flight path! Please be safe that's all!;)
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A one arrested and fined $10,000, Bob, the heli's and planes do not appear from nowhere! And have to fly in to the fire from miles out and you being a 1/2 mile away could very easily be in their flight path! Please be safe that's all!;)

Well said.

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Trust me, I was still a good 1/2 mile away.
I work at a hospital and I am a first responder, I know better.

Not to argue the point, but I see nothing wrong with what you did. A small neighborhood brush fire from a safe distance away?
Not to argue the point, but I see nothing wrong with what you did. A small neighborhood brush fire from a safe distance away?
I am not belittling your feelings, just trying to enlighten them!;) Wasn't a safe distance my friend Ray, any distance that you can fly a sUAS to is not safe! Small fires turn into LARGE fires and they usually attack small fires aggressively from the start to contain them. Plus I never read him stating the word "Small" If the FAA and Local Firefighter tell you it's "illegal" then it's wrong my friend!:rolleyes:
I guess I should further elaborate. I live in a small rural farming community. It is not too uncommon for hay rolls to suddenly spontaneously combust. Which was the case here. Being a small community, I know all the fire fighters, the fire chief lives 8 houses away. A brush fire around here is determined by anything not involving a structure, or not involving a burnoff. (have to have burning permits for those)

I !00% agree drones and fires do not mix. but it also pays to know your community. Even had a talk with the fire chief and he commented that he may call me next time they have a field fire. Very hard for them to determine how much field is involved and which way it is going.

The point of this post was about line of site, and how easy it is to lose it. Gues you all missed that part.

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