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Third party batteries

Nov 24, 2018
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Isle of Man
Hi all, I'm looking at some batteries on ebay, i came across GIFIPOWER™ 8050mAh 4S 14.8v Lipo Battery for Yuneec Typhoon and am wondering what people know or think of these?
8050mAh at £73 - they certainly have my attention. But as always, maybe theres a flaw.
Those who are using UltraX have reported good results. I am using a few also. I have seen varying report on the GIFI 8050. Several people have had trouble with them. I would avoid using them until they have a better user history.
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Those who are using UltraX have reported good results. I am using a few also. I have seen varying report on the GIFI 8050. Several people have had trouble with them. I would avoid using them until they have a better user history.
Just the 8050 sounds tempting, wonder what flight time they would give. And how is it they can get that much power into it if the other brands can't. Probably just a sales bluff like they do when selling telescopes boasting 250x magnification!
Actually, came across another thread on here by a pilot who is satisfied with the gifi 8050, reckons he gets 30mins flight time!
GiFi 8050mA flight time

a few lines further down in same thread he mentions flight time 21 - 22 minutes.

there are some more threads about this, I remember I was not very impressed and I even did some maths on the flight time per dollar, buying a few UtraX batts is much cheaper.
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Unfortunately, ultra x batteries don't seem to be available in the UK
Neither Amazon or ebay uk and tattu in the US won't send them to the UK, only US & Canada
Don’t feel too bad, when Tattu was making great 920 batteries for the EU they would not even sell them to U.S. buyers.
Don’t feel too bad, when Tattu was making great 920 batteries for the EU they would not even sell them to U.S. buyers.

as a 480 pilot I do not experience any comfort in that statement.....
bought 4 of them (at +30% to US prices) tho.

I have 4 standard, 2 /7000mah GIFI both bench testers, 2/8050 mah GIFI , 2/ 6300 Ultrax.
Standards are still very good, Ultrax only about 30 cycles each and getting better, 8050 GIFI average not as good as the others. I would still take standards if you can be sure of the manufacture date, very hard to do and unlikely. Next 4 or 6 batteries will look like the Ultrax ,very happy so far. Will not touch GIFI again. I would love to go flying with the bloke that gets 20 to 22 minutes from a battery,flight time is different from when you turn it on time. Johnno Hennessy.
Keep flying on the green side of the grass.
No mater what they say that there 'mah' rating is you don't seem to get the ratio in extra time. Standard 5400 mah rating ,giving approx 15 to 18 minutes flight time, all of the others do not give you proportional ratio in flight time. IE : GIFI 8050 mah , an extra 2650 mah to the standard which is nearly half the original total so there for you would think that you should get another 7 to 9 minutes of flight. This is no so ,lucky to get another 3 minutes and that is very lucky. It depends on the way they calculate it, the weights are a big tell tale, which is the density and chemical make up of the battery.
' OILS AIN'T OILS ' .So what I am trying to say is that they are all nearly the same flight time and some go PUFFY QUICKER THAN OTHERS,depending on the care they get. Read about it on the
'Battery university .Com, very good bed time reading. Safe flying . Johnno Hennessy.
Keep flying on the green side of the grass.
No mater what they say that there 'mah' rating is you don't seem to get the ratio in extra time. Standard 5400 mah rating ,giving approx 15 to 18 minutes flight time, all of the others do not give you proportional ratio in flight time. IE : GIFI 8050 mah , an extra 2650 mah to the standard which is nearly half the original total so there for you would think that you should get another 7 to 9 minutes of flight. This is no so ,lucky to get another 3 minutes and that is very lucky. It depends on the way they calculate it, the weights are a big tell tale, which is the density and chemical make up of the battery.
' OILS AIN'T OILS ' .So what I am trying to say is that they are all nearly the same flight time and some go PUFFY QUICKER THAN OTHERS,depending on the care they get. Read about it on the
'Battery university .Com, very good bed time reading. Safe flying . Johnno Hennessy.
Keep flying on the green side of the grass.

OK, so am I probably best sticking to yuneec originals? That way I guess I'll at least have a good warranty on them? Thanks.
If you get a warranty then yes, I do t know the warranty on Ultrax. In Oz you are very happy to get any sort of battery, and they are expensive. That's what you get from having a small population,but you also get more places to fly because of less people. I have read here some where about making sure you get a warranty and most times that comes with a big company. Looking after them is very important , especially chargeing ,storage mode and voltage. I presume that you know about these requirements so as to maintain optimum performance. If you say no then I suggest you read some very important threads on this subject in this forum. JohnnoHennessy.

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