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Throttle Rate

May 30, 2016
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North Carolina
I was in looking through "channel settings" and checked out the throttle setting. It of course has the rate set at 50% and when you push fully up with J1 it reads 100%. Now I have adjusted the rate beyond 100% and it will let you save a higher percentage but would this actually allow more throttle?? Inquiring minds want to know!
I was in looking through "channel settings" and checked out the throttle setting. It of course has the rate set at 50% and when you push fully up with J1 it reads 100%. Now I have adjusted the rate beyond 100% and it will let you save a higher percentage but would this actually allow more throttle?? Inquiring minds want to know!
I would think 100% max's out the motor RPM max, so going above 100% of what the motors can handle would be useless in my mind, and maybe overheat them? Good question for Yuneec Tech, or you can try it out for us ! LOL !:D
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J1 and B1!are linked togeather. Bad things will happen. I won't mess around in the channel settings friend.
The max speed is a function of how far the aircraft will angle or tilt. The flight controller adjusts motor speed to maintain altitude. So trying to get more rpm will not increase the speed of the bird.
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I was in looking through "channel settings" and checked out the throttle setting. It of course has the rate set at 50% and when you push fully up with J1 it reads 100%. Now I have adjusted the rate beyond 100% and it will let you save a higher percentage but would this actually allow more throttle?? Inquiring minds want to know!

Try it and see. Then let the rest of us inquiring minds know!
Im going to use a laser tachometer to check prop tip speed at wot and find out if there actually is an increase in rpm.

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