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Toilet Bowl effect this afternoon - Close call - Whew!!


Apr 23, 2016
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I was flying late this afternoon in a light to moderate wind maybe 10 mph. After flying for about 10 minutes I brought it down to a low elevation to take some selfie photos. I noticed when I tried to hover it, it was drifting sideways with the wind and then it started a four foot clockwise circling. I tried to interrupt the circling by using the right stick to move it forward or back a few feet but it would start circling again. I then decided I would land it and each time I brought it down to make contact it would begin to tip over in the direction the wind was blowing. It was going over and I was able to give it left stick to bring it back up a few feet off the ground, and then I tried to land it again and the same thing happened. Almost lost it again. I was able to bring it up again and this time while it was about 5 feet off the ground, I walked over to it and grasped the landing gear in my hand and shut off the engines. I saved it from crashing but it was not fun. I know if I call Yuneec they will say I need to calibrate the Compass, the Accelerometer, and the GPS. I have done this before and do not think I should need to do this each time I fly it. I am wondering if there is something in the design that makes the H unable to hold a GPS fix when hovering in a wind. Or is this something that can be addressed in a firmware update. When I flew the Phantom 4 in the wind I did not have this issue. I found the Phantom 4 to be much less squirrelly.
It was going over.......I meant to say it was going to tip over. The propeller struts on the leeward side got to within only a few inches of hitting the ground.
A stable hover is primarily controlled by the accelerometer\gyro module. GPS lacks the accuracy to maintain position closer than a few feet. Calibrate the accelerometer again. Put the H on a very level surface, turn it on and and don't touch it while it boots and make sure it doesn't get moved when doing the calibration. Again, when you boot in the field, set the H on a level surface and do not touch the bird while it boots. Turn off OA during takeoff and landing. If you still have the same issue, then you will need to call Yuneec. Please post here after you try again. Good luck RBC.
See my post - Typhoon H Is Drifting and Doing the Toilet Bowl

Mine was never stable, would drift, back up to the right in a semi-circle and would do the Pendulum Affect aka Toilet bowl. I captured mine on video to have as objective evidence for Yuneec and support my case... My video was made in ideal flying conditions, no wind, low Kp index.... See my thread for my opinions and observations...
Mine is doing the same exact thing as the original poster described. After that first scary landing, I decided to fly it again because if it does, indeed, crash because of the issue, I'm afraid I won't be able to return it. Has the cause of this problem really not been found yet?
I asked B&H to replace my H which they did. I have not had this problem with the new one.

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