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Trying to find an editor for Typhoon H Plus CCC files on the ST-16s


Part 107 certificate
Premium Pilot
Sep 5, 2018
Reaction score
Matthews, North Carolina
I posted earlier hoping to get some advice about how to convert Typhoon H480 CCC files to use on the Typhoon H Plus in order to take advantage of the better camera and the fine flight characteristics. Apparently, the CCC files on the ST-16s have been listed as hidden, but I found files on my controller today that have the file extension of .DMW which are named according to CCC flights that I have recorded on the ST-16s. I have not been able to open them in a meaningful way, but looking at a hex converter, the text is clearly related to the parameters of the CCC files. Has anyone been able to examine these .DMW files? Or is there an editor out there for them? The files are found in the following folder: Android/data/com.yuneec.android.h520c/files/mapWaypoints (case is as listed in the file listing). I would appreciate anyone's thoughts on how to read/edit these files. In order to upload the files, I had to create a copy with the .txt extension. Please take a look; any advice would be appreciated.


Just looking at route1 file it is Java or android java file, likely a java data class file, not source but 'compiled' into runtime code.

but it appears as an arraylist which is a java list type - so a list of fieldNames/data needed for waypoints to work - height, yaw, etc. - but it does seem very basic, no gps values that i can 'see'.

sorry i have a few java projects but never used a 'data' class, it is not 'good' java but can be used in a java database i guess - but java classes should do something 'to' its contained data - thus writes,reads, (setters/getters)/etc methods - so actual java code and then the data is there but data is not generally stored in a class unless a persistent bit of data.

android is not pure java or at least as believed by many - same for Csharp - not pure OO - a hybrid/bastardization for convenience.

sorry, GL !!
Forgot to say, to get this decoded into something useful a simple/short but exhaustive 'features/abilities' wise route file would be best.

say have at least 3 waypoints, maybe a POI in route (if H+ has that) and so forth.

then have a description in english of what you did so correlation of the data file to what you did can be made - then maybe an android/java guy can decode all the necessary parts - then write an editor or translator.

If you could xlate from a TH ccc file into H+ and reverse then you could create using a TH editor that exists and use in H+.

that is how I would approach it.

once again this is to me an excellent FREE (donate if you like it) TH editor:

CCC editor for typhoon H - by Eric EMMANUEL

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