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Two Q's in one thread

Apr 6, 2016
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1. Is there any warnings at all when the ST16 battery level is low or just the "bars" on the upper right corner?
2. Can you recommend a flight simulator for the "H"? Just need a basic one.

Thanx in advance!
And the Wizard too! :rolleyes: All I can say is it's not in the manual either way, but once while flying my 16 vibrated and I had low bars on the 16 and yet the H battery still had 16.2 volts(new battery, 5 minutes) on it, so the vibration was not for the H or GPS loss as you'd expect!
And the Wizard too! :rolleyes: All I can say is it's not in the manual either way, but once while flying my 16 vibrated and I had low bars on the 16 and yet the H battery still had 16.2 volts(new battery, 5 minutes) on it, so the vibration was not for the H or GPS loss as you'd expect!
Thanx again!! :)
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I agree with Droneclone. I was flying the original H without paying much attention to the state of charge of the ST16. It vibrated and said its state of charge was low. I landed quickly and I have not made that same mistake twice; now it is watched and charged with much more regularity.
To answer your second question about a sim for a hex. I was hoping the yuneec sim would come out with the H model but hasn't so far. I have Phoenix and I like it for the planes and heli but the quad isn't really fun and no hex.

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