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Typhoon H advance, Pro or Pro RS?

Aug 18, 2016
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I have a Typhoon advance and I'll get my second "H" next week.

What are the main differences between the Advance and the Pro?

Is only the 2 batteries and the softback? or there is more to it?
I have a Typhoon advance and I'll get my second "H" next week.

What are the main differences between the Advance and the Pro?

Is only the 2 batteries and the softback? or there is more to it?
Only difference is it comes with an extra battery, soft case back pack, real sense , ips (indoor position system) someone correct me if I'm wrong and the st16 has an extra antenna all those things sound cool but in reality I'm not going to be flying low enough to use the real sense and I'm forsure not going to fly indoors so I'm not going to buy the "pro" version. I got my h advance for $1190 and it came with an extra antenna to replace the mushroom 1 that people were complaining about so all I really need is the backpack and battery which I can get for around $250 for both so I can't seem to justify spending an extra $900 fo stuff that I'm not going to use but that just my opinion but if are going to use it go for it but if not I would just save my money plus you can buy the real sense and ips sensor seperate and just attach it to your h
You are talking about the Typhoon Pro RS with the real sense.
My question is about the Typhoon Pro without the realsense. Yes it came with a soft backpack, the additional batterie and the now additional wizard. But my question is if the ST16 is different or if there is some changes in the "H" itself.
I dont care about the extra batterie, or the backpack. only the "H" and the ST16
You are talking about the Typhoon Pro RS with the real sense.
My question is about the Typhoon Pro without the realsense. Yes it came with a soft backpack, the additional batterie and the now additional wizard. But my question is if the ST16 is different or if there is some changes in the "H" itself.
I dont care about the extra batterie, or the backpack. only the "H" and the ST16
From my understanding the pro comes with real sense and the 1 that doesn't is called the advance only changes is the longer antenna in the H and extra antenna on the st16 so the st16 now has 3 the pro cones with real sense and all the extra so there isn't a pro version without the real sense then it would be a pro with out that sensor
ok, so do you think the the longer antenna in the H and extra antenna on the st16 will be a significant improvement, or is just "cosmetic"?
ok, so do you think the the longer antenna in the H and extra antenna on the st16 will be a significant improvement, or is just "cosmetic"?
I bought my advance model 1 week ago and got it yesterday and it came with the 2 extended antennas on the H and it came with the upgraded antenna on the H along with the mushroom antenna but it didn't come with the 3rd connection on the st16 but I think it improves range but if more range is what u are looking for then just buy a dbs antenna
i have one of the first ones, i have mine in first days of june. I probably dont want the realsense, but as is a optional element, i could buy it if i feel the need. But at this moment, when i'm about to have the 2 one, my concern is not to buy an "outdated" equipment that if i want to upgrade to the realsense... don't work as it should.
I dont want to fly over the limit of 500m but i want a good signal of telemetry and data.
From my understanding the pro comes with real sense and the 1 that doesn't is called the advance only changes is the longer antenna in the H and extra antenna on the st16 so the st16 now has 3 the pro cones with real sense and all the extra so there isn't a pro version without the real sense then it would be a pro with out that sensor

Wrong !!!

Pro means the extra battery and the case not realsense.

There is a pro with and witnout realsense .
Yuneec Typhoon H Drones | Drones Direct
I think at this time !!!

The pro and advanced are a little different with the external aerial on the H and to the st16.
ok... so if someone think that maybe will acquire the realsense module, the pro is the way... but if not, stay with the advance... correct?
I would say if you leave it a while , the pro and advanced will be just a battery + case , it is because the pro are the latest batch.
I can't see them having 2 production lines , 1 for the advanced and 1 for the pro model.
Yuneec certainly confused their customers with the name change. Calling it Pro instead of Advanced because of included accessories and with no change in capabilities is a dumb move.
i see... my problem is that i got to have one of them next week

I would say if you are happy with the advance you have now , get a second , if you want the extra battery and case go for the pro, with or witnout realsense.
I guess it all depends on money !

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