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Typhoon H ESC Unit

Yuneec just replaced the Central ESC Board on my one week old Typhoon H:confused:

I sent my typhoon H back after 7 or 8 flights, one motor would quit mid flight. This happened the last four flights. Each time after I landed the unit in 5 motor mode and rebooted (except the last time, last time it took two reboots) the H would fly normally for the remainder of the battery.

It was always thew same motor.

I am anxiously awaiting my H now to test it out! :(

Does anyone know how the motors are numbered?
They are basic A and B. Any A can be switched with any A. B the same. It goes by rotation CW or CCW. Fly safe.
They are basic A and B. Any A can be switched with any A. B the same. It goes by rotation CW or CCW. Fly safe.

Thanks, not exactly what asking. I have seen other posts on which the front was experiencing trouble with a motor, like mine. In some cases the operator would refer to the troublesome motor as motor number 5 or number 3.

I was wondering if there was some standard way to reference individual motors.
Thanks, not exactly what asking. I have seen other posts on which the front was experiencing trouble with a motor, like mine. In some cases the operator would refer to the troublesome motor as motor number 5 or number 3.

I was wondering if there was some standard way to reference individual motors.
I believe I have seen it on some Yuneec documentation but can find it, looking forward at the 1' oclock arm, this is No1, they increment CCW to No.6 at the 3'oclock position.
That numbering is arbitrary. All motors are switchable
Got it, I was having trouble telling tech support which motor was malfunctioning. Had to start with looking down.....facing front. Count CW, etc.

Just thought I saw a standard somewhere and can't find it again.

Thanks for the responses!

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