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Typhoon H No Fly Zone

Jun 7, 2016
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I'm new to the drone scene so please forgive my ignorance and if this subject matter has already been discussed.

After much research and debate between the P4 and Typhoon H, I ordered a Typhoon H. Just got it in yesterday and wanted to fly it low around my place to safely learn how to use it. When I started it up the remote gives a warning that I am in a no fly zone and the motors won't spin up. I checked google map and I am exactly 5 miles away from the airport. I live in Honolulu so a five mile radius covers like 1/6 of the island.

I called Yuneec since I really don't know how comfortable I am taking the drone out to a public area without even trying it. Not to mention that I would like to fly the drone around my property just to enjoy and I don't appreciate a device that has limitations not allowing me to use it within my own home. They stated that there is a waiver I can fill out and return and they can provide a firmware that removes the no fly zones. I'm all for this since I don't plan on being reckless or doing anything criminal.

After a short wait he comes back and tells me that they actually don't have such a firmware for the H yet. They are working on it and don't know when it will be available. Now I don't know what to do. I know I don't want to keep the drone as is if it restricts me from flying at my own place or if I bring it over to a friends place. I could hold on to it and wait for the firmware but those things sometimes become vaporware. Does anyone know if and when a firmware came out for the Q500?

My other option is to just return the H now and see if a firmware ever gets released. Do you guys know if the P4 has all this restriction built in. If so does DJI provide a way to override?

Thanks for all your help. These forums have been very informative.
The firmware did become available for the earlier models. I'm in exactly the same boat as you, currently I'm having to drive almost 45 minutes to fly my H, but it's so worth it I decided to wait for the firmware release. Hopefully they'll have it out soon enough. From what CS told me, this time around it will be tied to the number(I forget the name) you can check on the GUI that identifies your H.
What I've found interesting is that while I'm outside of a NFZ (according some drone apps), I am in one of the flight paths of landing planes at the regional airport...so I've been keeping a keen eye out for any approaching flights.
I'm new to the drone scene so please forgive my ignorance and if this subject matter has already been discussed.

After much research and debate between the P4 and Typhoon H, I ordered a Typhoon H. Just got it in yesterday and wanted to fly it low around my place to safely learn how to use it. When I started it up the remote gives a warning that I am in a no fly zone and the motors won't spin up. I checked google map and I am exactly 5 miles away from the airport. I live in Honolulu so a five mile radius covers like 1/6 of the island.

I called Yuneec since I really don't know how comfortable I am taking the drone out to a public area without even trying it. Not to mention that I would like to fly the drone around my property just to enjoy and I don't appreciate a device that has limitations not allowing me to use it within my own home. They stated that there is a waiver I can fill out and return and they can provide a firmware that removes the no fly zones. I'm all for this since I don't plan on being reckless or doing anything criminal.

After a short wait he comes back and tells me that they actually don't have such a firmware for the H yet. They are working on it and don't know when it will be available. Now I don't know what to do. I know I don't want to keep the drone as is if it restricts me from flying at my own place or if I bring it over to a friends place. I could hold on to it and wait for the firmware but those things sometimes become vaporware. Does anyone know if and when a firmware came out for the Q500?

My other option is to just return the H now and see if a firmware ever gets released. Do you guys know if the P4 has all this restriction built in. If so does DJI provide a way to override?

Thanks for all your help. These forums have been very informative.

Here is what you really should do. Leave your typhoon in the box and order a little blade nano first $50 or $60 and practice and perfect that. Within a week or two you will know what you're doing and then you should hopefully have the firmware update and be able to fly in your neighborhood.
I'm new to the drone scene so please forgive my ignorance and if this subject matter has already been discussed.

After much research and debate between the P4 and Typhoon H, I ordered a Typhoon H. Just got it in yesterday and wanted to fly it low around my place to safely learn how to use it. When I started it up the remote gives a warning that I am in a no fly zone and the motors won't spin up. I checked google map and I am exactly 5 miles away from the airport. I live in Honolulu so a five mile radius covers like 1/6 of the island.

I called Yuneec since I really don't know how comfortable I am taking the drone out to a public area without even trying it. Not to mention that I would like to fly the drone around my property just to enjoy and I don't appreciate a device that has limitations not allowing me to use it within my own home. They stated that there is a waiver I can fill out and return and they can provide a firmware that removes the no fly zones. I'm all for this since I don't plan on being reckless or doing anything criminal.

After a short wait he comes back and tells me that they actually don't have such a firmware for the H yet. They are working on it and don't know when it will be available. Now I don't know what to do. I know I don't want to keep the drone as is if it restricts me from flying at my own place or if I bring it over to a friends place. I could hold on to it and wait for the firmware but those things sometimes become vaporware. Does anyone know if and when a firmware came out for the Q500?

My other option is to just return the H now and see if a firmware ever gets released. Do you guys know if the P4 has all this restriction built in. If so does DJI provide a way to override?

Thanks for all your help. These forums have been very informative.
DJI GO app has flight restricted zones too, any decent platform does, you'll be no better off, unless you get a toy, or one that has firmware to bypass them. Honolulu? you've got tons of place to fly near you, Just check your area for NFZ's and see if you have the "Yellow circles not the red, as you can fly in them within height and distance limits !
DJI GO app has flight restricted zones too, any decent platform does, you'll be no better off, unless you get a toy, or one that has firmware to bypass them. Honolulu? you've got tons of place to fly near you, Just check your area for NFZ's and see if you have the "Yellow circles not the red, as you can fly in them within height and distance limits !

How do I check NFZs? Is there a website?
Here is what you really should do. Leave your typhoon in the box and order a little blade nano first $50 or $60 and practice and perfect that. Within a week or two you will know what you're doing and then you should hopefully have the firmware update and be able to fly in your neighborhood.

Do you have an idea how long it takes for yuneec to get the firmware? Like how. Long did it take for the q500? Weeks? Months?
Lol, here is my map using airmap. Note that the middle area of the island is mostly mountains and not easily accessible.

Is it really worth holding on to it and hoping yuneec will release a firmware?

You bought it to use it, if you can't use it, return it. You may be able to take user responsibility and have the area restriction turned off with a DJI system. I don't normally promote their product but in your case it may be a good alternative. You can obtain a P3 unit fairly reasonable. Another alternative is a Blade ST-10+ Chroma from Horizon Hobby, made by Yuneec. Has a very nice 4k camera and zero NFZ's. About $800.00 and extremely fun to fly.
Yuneec got back to me and told me to contact them next week to get a better idea of when the firmware might be out. I really want to keep the H since I got a great deal on it and it came with a free wizard. It's my understanding that the wizard won't be included after the initial stock. At the price my friend got it for me, it's hard to find something else remotely close.
One way or another there will be non-NFZ firmware for the H pretty soon. Whether Yunneec makes it or some bored guy on his own. They did it for the DJI firmware, so as the Typhoon H seems to have a cool factor on it now most likely someone is doing it.
just FYI i called last monday and got the same respose "call back in a week to find out when the new firmware will be released". wonder if it will ever get done?
Yuneec got back to me and told me to contact them next week to get a better idea of when the firmware might be out. I really want to keep the H since I got a great deal on it and it came with a free wizard. It's my understanding that the wizard won't be included after the initial stock. At the price my friend got it for me, it's hard to find something else remotely close.

Same painful ordeal here.
I'm in Macau and the whole territory is NFZ.
Absurd having in mind I can fly DJI almost anywhere except around the miniscule airport.
The Typhoon H paperweight is in a corner of my office currently being named the most expensive electronic paperweight in the world.
Just to provide another update on this issue .... I sent Yuneec an email as well as a Facebook message stating:

"I have sent this to all the email contact points so that it highlights that the issue is not just mine, it is a worldwide issue that could do with some attention please.

Now that I have my Typhoon H .... I have a question regarding your NFZ restrictions. Is there going to be any updates to this for countries with different restrictions. For example, I live inside the NFZ imposed by your software of my local airport. However, under Australian aviation regulations (confirmed with CASA) .... I am actually allowed to fly my drone as long as I notify the Tower and maintain VLOS and below 120M in altitude. But with your current firmware I can't even start my drone. PLEASE RELEASE AN UPDATED FIRMWARE TO CORRECT THIS .... OR GIVE US ANOTHER OPTION!!!! THIS IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH.

Thank you and I look forward to your prompt attention to this matter."

Now I know it was probably a little "over the top" :p .... but what the **** .... figured it couldn't hurt :D.

Anyway .... Just got back the following response via Facebook message:

"There will be a NFZ firmware in the near future. -Team Yuneec"

So hopefully it's not too far away. Of course this could also just be the standard "auto reply" .... and the "Yuneec 2 week" rule may be in effect ;).

Time will tell I guess ....

Cheers :cool:
right.....near future.....
I remember that.
I always thought I'd be 40 years old when I was 18.
That is near future
Okay so I got a reply from Yuneec HK:

"Thank you for your valuable comments.We will do everything we can to improve. Do not have unlock NFZ firmware right now .It is for safety fly I will inform this problem for technical people. We have all the latest news as soon as possible to inform you. Thank you!"

So nothing new .... as expected .... just the usual automated reply by the look of it :mad:.

Cheers :cool:
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I posted somewhere else when I talked to US customer service on Friday they said the NFZ bypass firmware is done... But they are making it "more efficient" before releasing it to the public. No clue what more efficient means.
Got another reply .... this time from the US office:

"Hello once we have the NFZ software available you will be able to request the software to put it on your unit thank you."

Fingers crossed ;).

Cheers :cool:

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