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Typhoon H operating manual

May 25, 2016
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Merritt Island, Florida, USA
Has anyone found out how, or where, to download the Typhoon H user manual? I have searched all over their website, found menu options titled 'manual' but can't find a place where you can download it, let alone even view it.
Well, I guess you can disregard this post. After performing a search, which I should have done first I know, I found a link that DroneClone had posted under "Typhoon H User (created) Manual" and that finally took me to a pdf file that I could view and download. Many thanks 'DC' for providing that link. Greatly Appreciated.
I was just wondering what is wrong with the included manual?
Well, I guess you can disregard this post. After performing a search, which I should have done first I know, I found a link that DroneClone had posted under "Typhoon H User (created) Manual" and that finally took me to a pdf file that I could view and download. Many thanks 'DC' for providing that link. Greatly Appreciated.
There's a new version (1.1) here:
I haven't bought one yet and wanted to educate myself more. I've been trying to decide between a 3DR SOL and the Typhoon H. There seems to be pros and cons between both of them. I'm not an R/C enthusiast and just want one for recording aerial video so my interest is in videography rather then just flying a R/C UAV
I was just wondering what is wrong with the included manual?

what is provided on the SD card is just a quick start manual.
There still is no complete updated manual by Yuneec on there web sight.
Yuneec website under Typhoon H
Yeah, I just found it through the above posted link ( Manuals Typhoon H Archive - Yuneec ) . For some strange reason I couldn't get there by going directly to their website. Thanks to you guys for posting the links.

BTW: I noticed they had a Quick Start manual available for download and it had a V4.2 on its front page.
Let me give you a heads up. The TH is designed for photog and fun. The other one eh. Hope this help. If you can afford it buy it.
Let me give you a heads up. The TH is designed for photog and fun. The other one eh. Hope this help. If you can afford it buy it.
LOL, yep, I hear ya :-) The cost, well they appear to be a wash when you look at the big picture .... well IMHO anyway. The "other" one has some interesting flying modes but I think all of the top 3 are going to still going to leapfrogging over each other as far as that goes. I already have a GoPro 4 Black but would want to go buy a large 8" or 9" tablet to go with the "Other" one and I have ProDad Mercalli 4.0 to take care of any fisheye if I record in the 4K Wide mode with the GoPro. I like the "Fly Away Warranty" provided with the "other" one but the 'H' sure looks very appealing :-) I'm still trying to understand the built in NFZ firmware restrictions with the 'H'.
No fly zones will be in all of them. Between 2 to 5 miles from an airport period. 200-400 ft height restrictions .
No fly zones will be in all of them. Between 2 to 5 miles from an airport period. 200-400 ft height restrictions .
I've read one posting that said that was for commercial airports only but I'm not so sure that's true. Also, are you saying that you can still fly but just have to stay under 400 ft? I thought the 400 Ft was limited to anywhere and that you couldn't even power the 'H' up if you were with 5 mile of ANY NFZ. This gets very confusing. I have a small local airport about 5.2 miles to the north of me and an AFB about 3.5 miles SSE of me.
Has anyone found out how, or where, to download the Typhoon H user manual? I have searched all over their website, found menu options titled 'manual' but can't find a place where you can download it, let alone even view it.
The Yuneec web site. Click the model "H" and it will there.
I haven't bought one yet and wanted to educate myself more. I've been trying to decide between a 3DR SOL and the Typhoon H. There seems to be pros and cons between both of them. I'm not an R/C enthusiast and just want one for recording aerial video so my interest is in videography rather then just flying a R/C UAV
I am a Photographer and choose the Yuneec H
so which one of you dilligent folk has read and noticed the differences between the 2 manuals to see what changed in V1.1 ??
I've read one posting that said that was for commercial airports only but I'm not so sure that's true. Also, are you saying that you can still fly but just have to stay under 400 ft? I thought the 400 Ft was limited to anywhere and that you couldn't even power the 'H' up if you were with 5 mile of ANY NFZ. This gets very confusing. I have a small local airport about 5.2 miles to the north of me and an AFB about 3.5 miles SSE of me.

The Yuneec NFZ's do seem to be based more on large commercial/terminal and military airports. I can reasonably assure that small private and local uncontrolled fields are not part of the NFZ restrictions. Yuneec seems to use a 4 mile radius instead of the 5 mile used by the other people. As an aside, 3DR uses a NFZ system similar to Yuneec. Both tell you to review B4UFly to gain situational awareness to see what is in your area before flying. It would be nice if Yuneec would publish the database used to establish their NFZ's. People would be able to see in advance if an area they considered for flight might be in or near an NFZ.

We are not limited to a 400' maximum altitude, although, as the law is written, we are advised to remain below 500' within 5 miles of an airport, and when planning to operate within 5 miles of an airport to contact the airport management. We are also always responsible for maintaining safe separation from manned aircraft. The FAA makes it clear that members of a recognized community based organization are permitted to operate within the guidelines established by such an organization. Although not mentioned specifically they are referring to the AMA, or Academy of Model Aeronautics. Many AMA sanctioned flight activities well exceed a 400' altitude level.

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