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UAV Toolbox

Feb 9, 2017
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I installed Tuna's super app.
I must be doing something wrong, because the .gpx file I downloaded from my ST-16+ will not open in app GPX-viewer (by Stefano64) and if I open the file in Google earth I have moved to China...! :)

Will be fiddling around with this for a while.

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I installed Tuna's super app.
I must be doing something wrong, because the .gpx file I downloaded from my ST-16+ will not open in app GPX-viewer (by Stefano64) and if I open the file in Google earth I have moved to China...! :)

EDIT: downloaded a somewhat larger file and that works fine in Google Earth. GPX-viewer keeps telling me it is a bad format.

I haven't used GPX-viewer, but the GPX files from UAV Toolbox work perfectly in Garmin Basecamp and Google Earth. Is there a parameter in your viewer that needs tweaking?

Prathbun, that's great information as I want to return to exact locations to document glacial melt in Iceland...and also location of ice caves.
The GPX format is flexible, in that it can represent a number of different activities and add more or less data to them for mapping. I've tested the data UAV Toolbox returns with a number of tools without problem, but that doesn't mean it's faultless. I'm not in a position to test against GPX-viewer at the moment, but if anyone does encounter problems, please do send me a message so I can track any issues.

I hope to add some useful additions for you @Mickeyboo to add more information to the telemetry soon that will help with survey work. The main challenge is cost of development.
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I just installed it. It crashed (toolbox) a couple of times on me. However I was able to view files using the URL and GPX viewer. The files are just from me checking stuff out... I haven't flown the bird once yet.
The website is still here. :)

@Niblett - If you've been having crashes, please let me know what you did to make it close. If you get a 'Crash Report' dialog, please put your name in and click Ok to send me the crash information (you need to be online for it to send).
Will do @Tuna - I was looking at an MP4 and the map side seemed to be having issues.

Yes, the telemetry values look 'corrupted'? Found the cause and fixed it.. will be available in the next release.

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