If you depend on this device for revenue, and there is nothing wrong with yours - wait out the others upgrading.
Some of us (me included) had no choice but to do the upgrade as I could only get the TH off the ground in the rarest of circumstance. I had nothing to lose so I jumped in.... Mine came shipped with the suspect firmware from factory (Sept 1) and didn't fly, I upgraded to Sept 13th code, and still didn't fly... only with this Sept 26 version did I have any luck.
Early reports seem very promising, but early reports on the last two versions also seemed like it worked for most (Even the data on here says 61% of users had no issue with the last firmware).
If your comfortable, wait a bit more, but limit your flight time on the current firmware as the issue was claimed to be heat related. Mine was never hot as it never got off the ground. If anything maybe it was too cool compared to California when they tested it, and with the weather getting colder in the northern hemisphere that 'colder' may be what they were fixing
I base that on the fact that all summer people in the southern hemisphere seemed to report compass errors and it was there 'colder' winter. Again, just grasping at straws here - but I'm not convinced fully yet. I am myself only one battery deep into testing as I have no time right now.
Pick your risk tolerance and stick with it. There is risk of keeping the older firmware and risk in the new.