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Updates, is that it?

I think we are seeing a temporary break in the action. Right now everything seems to be stable. I would expect another update is in the works but that takes time.
People are so used to getting the latest and greatest firmware on their smartphones and Xboxes, that they expect constant updates on every piece of tech they own now.
If it works don't fix it, personally I'm not a sheep begging for updates, I remember on phones the hassle of updates, always disable the features to update. But everyone to their own.
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Exactly, why ask for updates when all is well. I know, we always like to have more. But when everything goes wrong because of a bad update, we regret it very quickly.
I knew the incessant update and most often failed early with DJI and I quickly realized that at one time, it must say STOP.
Between the plane and the radio blocked, we say enough and we put what worked well.
The last shift of my Inspire stopped in April 2016 and I could only advise the others to return to this one. It was perhaps the only well-finalized DJI firmware.
And far from complaining because the bird has since made a trifling distance of 192,552 km (120 miles) and can still do.
And the 8 batterys still have the capacity ...........
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Ya never know, you might see one more update for the Plus and 520 but if we use history as a guide the one assurance is that a new problem would be introduced. We can see similar histories with DJI, Apple, Microsoft, Firefox, and other brands.

If the current firmware is stable and provides what you needed when you first bought the product further updates are unnecessary. If the product will not do what was needed when you bought it the problem is not due to a lack of firmware updates, but a failure to fully research a product before purchase.

Not to beat a horse but this is where we fail ourselves. Manufacturers have no incentive to deliver products that function perfectly out of the box when their customers buy them knowing they will have defects or deficiencies in hardware or firmware, hoping later firmware updates will correct them. We should also remember that firmware cannot fully correct hardware problems. Firmware can help mitigate a hardware problem but something will always be sacrificed in mitigation.

Manufacturers DO have incentive to provide fully tested and functionally correct products when people WILL NOT buy deficient or defective products. So determine what you need or want, do your research, buy what fits the need, test everything in the first two days after purchase. If it all works correctly, be happy. It it doesn’t, return it for a refund on the third day and buy something else. I say three days because most states have a recission period that allows a buyer to return a product for a full refund. Yuneec also has that policy.
My philosophy with updates is don't do it if at all possible. Comp, cel phone, sUAS... et al. Usually more problems created than solved, especially once you start adding third party software into the mix.

It ain't my fault if a manufacturer can't get their software straight. If they want me to constantly update because of software problems or incomplete development?... then that isn't the company I want to do biz with. Mebbe I'm just old and cantankerous.
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Keep in mind the Plus is basically one (1) year old, on this very day - June 1st, this is when it began to trickle out in Europe last year and a month later it was here in the states. As mentioned above, if we use history as our guide, yeah; about a year of support out of Yuneec is all we're gonna see and then they move on to the next model. The Plus is for the most part a very stable platform with the better camera we all wanted. While there may still be a few minor improvement in the Plus's future, we have to face the fact that any further great improvements will likely be reserved for future products.
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You mean like the update intended to allow a Typhoon H to use the E90 camera?[emoji6]

We really want to look at history. Most every Yuneec model has ceased improvements after about 1 year from the original release. They continue selling them after that period, but that’s about all that happens with them. We also might consider their more recent press releases have been about partnering with a couple other companies for “enterprise” purposes and ask ourselves where their focus now be.

If I was a betting man, around October or so I would be looking for mention of a new model for next year’s CES.
You mean like the update intended to allow a Typhoon H to use the E90 camera?[emoji6]

We really want to look at history. Most every Yuneec model has ceased improvements after about 1 year from the original release. They continue selling them after that period, but that’s about all that happens with them. We also might consider their more recent press releases have been about partnering with a couple other companies for “enterprise” purposes and ask ourselves where their focus now be.

If I was a betting man, around October or so I would be looking for mention of a new model for next year’s CES.

Has Yuneec moved all the useful features that we had with the TH480 to the TH+ already?
Nope, but I don’t see how they would make any money by providing them. From a market standpoint the H Plus was “antiquated” the day it was released and consumers are very aware of any competition providing more than what Yuneec has been providing.

If we just review various forums to find posts about the H, 520, and H Plus over time we can see the number of people flying Yuneec has been in steady decline for quite some time. Adding one more minor feature to the Plus is not going to reverse that trend.
It is going to be very interesting to see what yuneec’s next new product will be
Any thoughts?
Nope, but I don’t see how they would make any money by providing them. From a market standpoint the H Plus was “antiquated” the day it was released and consumers are very aware of any competition providing more than what Yuneec has been providing.

If we just review various forums to find posts about the H, 520, and H Plus over time we can see the number of people flying Yuneec has been in steady decline for quite some time. Adding one more minor feature to the Plus is not going to reverse that trend.

I'm afraid you're correct. The H+ has really good bones but Yuneec's latest announcements are aimed at a limited commercial market. I'm not keen on giving up some of the features I have on my TH480.

I'm just an enthusiast who likes to fly and take videos. If Autel ever releases their promised 1" camera EVO then I'm likely going that way.

I'm not a big DJI fan although looking at some of their recent releases I see that they are beginning to understand that a complete controller with a screen is a better way to go than using a smart phone for some pilots.
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I'm afraid you're correct. The H+ has really good bones but Yuneec's latest announcements are aimed at a limited commercial market. I'm not keen on giving up some of the features I have on my TH480.

I'm just an enthusiast who likes to fly and take videos. If Autel ever releases their promised 1" camera EVO then I'm likely going that way.

I'm not a big DJI fan although looking at some of their recent releases I see that they are beginning to understand that a complete controller with a screen is a better way to go than using a smart phone for some pilots.

I just acquired an EVO the range is phenomenal, the gimbal is okay, the camera dynamic log is beyond what I had expected, it’s lowlight capabilities is a disappointment. The take off is something to get used to, it’s a bit jerky.

The RC built-in screen is genius, and the telemetry map is always an A+ specially when going down range or inspecting behind obstacles, with a dependable OBS to boot.

Autel Robotics has not dented DJI’s Mavic Pro, Mavic 2 Pro’s superiority, but the EVO does have a place in the market, and they are continually supporting their product.

But sadly, I am returning mine, because I feel as though, I am already getting the features that I need and more from my M2P.... Now, it’s on to the next one, try the exciting thermal drone by Anafi.

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