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Jun 14, 2018
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what are the absolute maximum wind speed you feel safe flying in . The last few days have been brutally hot with even under some shade the heat index is 105-110. After all it’s texas and summer.

This evening we had some local storms and the temperature dropped to the 80’s but the wind speed was 20 gusting to 35 . Was tempted but did not want to chance losing a hexacopter .

What are the max winds you will fly in when you are just wanting to get out and practice flying . I have only had the bird a few days and only one good day to fly in .
When winds are at 30/kph it is pushing the limit. Ground speed of wind will vary greatly from that in the air. Even though it may be 10 to 15/kph on the ground, it could quickly hit well over that in the air. Be cautious on hot days.
If we are talking about the TH, then IMHO I think 20MPH wind is doable but as Murray Martz says, what you measure on the ground can be vastly different at height.

I have yet to take off in winds above 16 MPH since my commercial Operations Manual restricted my TH to 16 MPH wind speeds. I've recently revised that to 20MPH on PatR's suggestion but haven't had the need to use that extra 4MPH yet.
I have set a self safety level of 15mph sustained and gusts to 20. That’s for lower close flying like the century plant I tried to get daily footage of. It was just a 20’ away target and stayed below 50’ and there are days you can see the trees and the target century plant stalk swaying dramatically. And we had some red flag days that for sure keep you grounded. This is my first look every AM to decide if flight is happening.

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