Let the bin file untouched (not unzip it) and put it on a new with FAT32 formatted SD card. The system should recognize and unpack it by itself. If you have already the latest FW, nothing happens. The latest FW is from 2017 by the way.
If you want to update a special part of the system then you need to unzip the files.zzz. You will get 4 files:
- Kamera: cgo3+gb_3.2.34_LC2_E_firmware_30234.bin - This is the only region-specific FW; update with SD card in the camera (as above, but only for camera).
- Gimbal: CGO3PLUS_V1.25_2016_9_13.yuneec - I know no way to update only gimbal itself.
- Flight Controller: TyphoonH_FC_V1.35_3_3_2017.yuneec - update via USB cable, using GUI
- RealSense: TyphoonH_Flow_V1.04_3_25_2016.yuneec - No tested if update of RealSense alone is possible.
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