Here is what I have learned some of which is through trial and error. I am sure there are a lot of decent chargers out there but if you plan on charging the H batteries I learned there is no real cheap way out. You either spend a few bucks and get something meaty that will get the job done right and if you are unable to do that save your money and stick with the stock charger. In order to anything below you first need to order the battery connectors either from Andy at Quadcam or from Carolina Dronz. I bought Andys connectors so I can only vouch for them and they are perfect. In order to do anything with these batteries you have to buy the connectors first. I ended up with the Hitec X2 AC Pro. To me this was a monster charger. It charges two batteries at a time and uses standard US AC current or you can use a 12 Volt battery. With regular AC current I can charge two 5400 ma H batteries from storage charge to full in under 45 minutes charging at 6 amps. This charger will also balance the batteries and or drain or fill them to storage charge.
I use a different system to Drain my batteries to storage charge. I use a 12 volt trailer tail light bulb and bulb holder from the auto store $6.00 for both, An on off switch from Radio Shack $3.00, and a 1S-6S Battery Voltage Meter Checker Low Voltage Tester from Banggood $2.99. I connect the battery, turn on the lightbulb and set the tester to go off at 3.8 volts. The first cell to hit 3.8 volts sets off the alarm and you are at storage charge. When I say alarm there will be no one sleeping in the house when it goes off. Impossible to forget about and drain the battery too far unless you can ignore a smoke detector sounding alarm. I like this system because neither the charger or battery gets hot. The battery is cool to the touch throughout the process and when completed. It almost seems too simple a solution but puts your batteries exactly where you want them at 3.8 volts per cell using very low tech. I have pics if anyone is interested.