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Cruise Control Question...

Sorry, what is "Cruise control", how do you activate it?

Hi Dave,
Cruise control is a feature that came in after the Nov. update. Using the two D-pad on the bottom left and right next to the screen of the st16 you can respectively change the camera settings ( left) or move the typhoon at a constant speed/direction (right) of your choice without having to constantly hold the control input at angle.
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Reactions: Dave Stingray
Thanks for the explanations. Im new to drones & the YTH/ST16 so didn't recognise it as a new feature - it sounds just like a trim function I was expecting from the RH pad and familiar with from my RC helicopter days.
Tried this function today in angle mode. As Tony said, it needed a significant yaw before a direction change was noticeable and any application of cyclic zeroed the trim/cruise.

Edited to add the d-pad is very sensitive - whilst cancelling out forward trim, I inadvertently dialled up full left hand trim.

I think I'd prefer to use a linear cable cam where possible but that means pre-flying the route or uploading it beforehand, and you're then stuck with a preset altitude but at least you know where your drone is without looking; it's easy to reverse or pause and it'll stop at either end - I'd hate to cruise into an obstacle whilst watching the screen filming a backwards shot!

Like many functions, good to know how they work in case you trigger them accidentally!
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