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data loss at 6000'

Jun 8, 2016
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At 6000 ft, video fine, rc good but data stream is lost and rth is initiated.Is the flight info data sent down on a different 2.4 channel? I've seen a few mentions of a 3rd internal antenna on the st16, is this true, or am I just losing downlink prior to loss of uplink on the 2.4Ghz radio?
There is a 3rd antenna inside the ST16 for telemetry, so that signal would be the easiest to lose. 6000' is amazing distance for video.
6000 feet - WOW that's fantastic. I was wondering about the Data. I have had Data loss several times but Video and Control were fine. I have been out to 2700 feet and then chickened-out and turned around. Im going to try and go out further now.
RTH should not initiate if you still have video and flight control. But yes, telemetry is usually the first thing to go out during long flights. Many times my telemetry briefly goes out at around 3000 feet but quickly returns and stays on screen to over 6000 feet. I then often fly out another 2000 feet with video and full control. Using upgraded antennas of course.
There is a 3rd antenna inside the ST16 for telemetry,

There is? I have never heard of that before. As far as I know, and I could be wrong of course, there are only the two antenna. One to receive the video feed and the rubber ducky one to transmit and receive data. As far as I know the data it receives is the telemetry data.
This would be good to know for sure how Yuneec has implemented this. The industry norm (Futaba, Spektrum, Frsky) is that the the Rx is responsible for both the RC and telemetry links, but this is typically one-way (craft to ground). One notable exception in the hobby world are APM and related FCs (APM, Pixhawk, PixFalcon, etc) which typically use a separate transceiver that plugs into the FC board and into the USB port on your ground station, but these are designed for two-way communications to allow changes to autonomous flights from the ground.
hello all, I've received my Typhoon H and now curious how are you all going pass the 400ft-ish? what programming or features do I need to do? all input is greatly appreciated. thanks!

one more thing, whats the maximum height any one of you have gone and was data still transferring clearly? thanks a bunch.....
I think most of us are talking about horizontal distances, not vertical in this thread. Hope you are too. But, if not, the GUI allows for changing the AGL limit.
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Yeah the limit of 400 feet is the maximum height you can fly at. These guys are not going higher than that, just really far away from them. Just be carful if you do this as you are supposed to keep the drone in LOS or Line Of Site. Flying it really far is not recommended and technically breaks FAA rules in the US. But it is awesome! i:)i

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