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DNG files

Jul 23, 2017
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I have the CGO3+ set to take JPG and DNG.

On a previous flight the function worked fine. Now, today, the DNG files were black. They were still 22mb to 23mb, but the image was totally blank (black).

I'll try again later, but I was just wondering if anyone had this same issue.

Check this thread to see if it helps: Problem with recording both DNG and JPG photos

You can use the search function on this forum by clicking on the little magnifying glass icon at the upper right side of the page. (I know, it's almost like hiding there.)

Thanks Steve. Yeah I looked at that link but I could find anything specific to what I was experiencing. Most people were saying the JPG's were fine but in my case the DNG's are all blank at 22mb! Like I said, it didn't happen before with the same SD card rated U3 at 95mb/sec.

Yeah, this forum page is a bit cumbersome. Like I should be able to delete posts that I wrote but I can't figure out why!
Thanks Steve. Yeah I looked at that link but I could find anything specific to what I was experiencing. Most people were saying the JPG's were fine but in my case the DNG's are all blank at 22mb! Like I said, it didn't happen before with the same SD card rated U3 at 95mb/sec.
Yeah, this forum page is a bit cumbersome. Like I should be able to delete posts that I wrote but I can't figure out why!
I have seen other posts which indicate the dng + jpg does not work properly with the panorama function and others say it is just hit and miss regardless of the mode. If it's really critical for you then you should contact Yuneec to see what they have to say.

I should be able to delete posts
If you need a post deleted just ask a moderator to do it. You can delete comments but not the post.

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