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Do you think the H could pull this off easier than the Inspire did?

We were there in August, so it's cool to see the Observatory. Some sneaky editing in that clip too, but a very nice use of a drone.
We were there in August, so it's cool to see the Observatory. Some sneaky editing in that clip too, but a very nice use of a drone.
Heard they rehearsed for 2 days then did it in one take. They got very close to that light! I've watched it a few times and it interesting to focus on only the operators moves and not on what the camera is doing. Also pay attention to the solid objects like walls instead of the performers and you'll notice all the minor course corrections. Very good work though!
Inspire nor TYH.... Most of the times AM flies their custom rig or alta for big studio production shots. It's about the optics...

Perfect use of the drone, lots of post production work though.
I think the flying and camera work for this could have been done with an H. I'm sure they used a dual setup with a pilot and camera man. It takes some skills and practice to do this. Lots of timing required to be in the right place at the right time and to move from place to place at the right speed.
That being said the H camera would not be up to the job for this I do not think. I would hope they used a GH4 or some other high end production camera for this. Maybe the X5 if it was shot with the Inspire.
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That was well done. The great thing with using a really good camera, as was used here, is that you don't require 4K for the HD TV broadcast with a high bit rate. So with course corrections in the drone which always result in non-smooth results, you can smooth everything out in post production as they have done here (everything is super smooth).

There had to have been someone operating the camera while a pilot was flying the drone. I would go as far as add that there was a second or every third camera attached to the Inspire for the pilot only. The reason I say this is that the location didn't allow for perfect line of sight so if you have someone turning the camera to shoot the action, the pilot becomes blind to where he is flying (i.e. scenes where the drone was going sideways, backwards, etc). Impressive what you can do with a drone!
That could certainly be done with an Inspire with an x5 and a good lens and a secondary operator, but my guess is that was something like a 5D Mk III or a Sony mounted on something bigger.

Love my Inspire. They're all utilitarian to me. Some are better at some things than others. Lately, flying correctly is not one of the TH's better qualities, unfortunately.
I believe it was the X5 camera and yes dual operators. I'm on the dji Facebook page and the pilot posts answers to people's questions. He flew line of sight not using second camera. Lots of pressure to shoot one continuous shot like that with all the dancers crew etc, time is money.
Yes, it could be done with a Typhoon with dual operator. But remember that the Inspire as a micro 4/3 camera with a high transfer rate. I also be more comfortable having a a second fpv camera for the drone operator... and yes, lot of work do the drone, dancers choreography
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Yes, it could be done with a Typhoon with dual operator. But remember that the Inspire as a micro 4/3 camera with a high transfer rate. I also be more comfortable having a a second fpv camera for the drone operator... and yes, lot of work do the drone, dancers choreography
Yes it is a m4/3 sensor but the bitrate still max's out at 60Mbps. The larger sensor gives you a better dynamic range and better low light capabilities but still not getting a super high bitrate like 100Mbps. While looking for the bitrate I came across a couple of things I did not know about. Discovery channel requires 160Mbps for there broadcast stuff, and the X5 camera cannot use all m4/3 lenses because of balance. Just some interesting info I saw. Yes I would still love to have something like the X5 on my H.
Brandon when do you have the time? I have that many and I have 3/4 that haven't been flown in months.
I don't have the time to fly them all, that is the problem. My H and X-Star are getting all the air time these days.
The new Gopro Karma was just promed, no real specs yet but it's a very nice package and reasonable. 16 drones is a nice round number:)

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