I simply queried your logic for putting batteries hanging off the bottom of the pack, the reason you gave goes against all principles of good pack design. Whether or not it's in use worldwide does not mean it is a good solution.
Like I said I have a fascination with pack design, - it's 25 years I am carrying packs in all environments, I used to do this for a living, carrying packs from vertically, up multi-pitch rock climbs, to week/s long journeys across open mountain ranges, and even carrying packs designed specifically for use in ascending and descending through mountain rivers. When you spend that long with your house on your back you start to understand the real in's and out's of what makes a good bag, and to be frank, when I saw the 250$ price tag on your bag that look like little more than school bag / napsac I had to look at what you were presenting and I did suggest giving you positive input for a redesign.
My bag you look forward to - Unlike you I'm not a bag designer or seller of bags, or involved anymore in that industry outside of my hobby participation, so I'll have to let you down and not be able to promise you any bag of mine coming to market. However on foot of your design and the apparent user interest I have contacted 2 serious pack manufactures with a view of them designing and bringing to market packs made specifically for the use of the Typhoon h or an adjustable design suitable for interchanging between multiple "drone" setups. So maybe something can come from it.