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Easy Angle Mode flying

Oct 7, 2016
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Here's a tip I just came up with for easier angle flying: Just got my TH last week and realized the hardest thing about angle mode is keeping track of the front of the aircraft so you know which way it will move when the right stick is pushed forward. My solution was to add a tail boom like a helicopter, so knowing where the back of the drone is becomes a no-brainer. I simply used a1/4 inch thin lightweight fiberglass tube 2-feet long and tied it to the top of the two right-side rotor arms with small wraps of velcro. On the very end of the “tail boom”, I made a simple fin of brightly colored tape about 2 x 4 inches. (see photos). Now, it’s just like a helicopter. Push the right stick to go forward and steer with the left stick, like a rudder, keeping the tail boom in the back. If you have flown RC airplanes or helicopters, this is second nature and making graceful coordinated turns is really easy. On my first flight I was able to fly figure eights without confusion of where the “nose” was pointing. While moving the right stick to the left or right is not needed for flight this way, it can really tighten up the turns. If you use left stick like rudder to bring the tail around, the turns are smooth and nicely coordinated. The brightly colored tail fin is really visible so you can stay oriented even a long ways out. And it does not affect the flying at all. I plan to always fly this way. Try it, you'll like it!


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Clem after you have flown hexes and quads for a while you won't need that crutch. Fly safe
Or just look at the green arrow on your ST16 screen and it will tell you which way it is going.
I thought the green arrow on the screen tells you which way is Home. Push the control in the direction of the arrow and it will return to you.
If the arrow is pointed at 12 o'clock it is pointed directly at you. If it is pointed at 6 o'clock it is flying directly away from you. The rest you can deduct. You are correct that if you push or pull the right stick in the direction of the arrow at any given time it returns to you.

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