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Firmware update Ver 2.25 After you update post your outcome here.

After installing Ver 2.25

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Steve Carr

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Premium Pilot
Dec 15, 2015
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Bessemer, MI
Starting a new survey of firmware update released on 9-25-2016. If you have updated your H and tried out the new firmware please answer the survey questions above.
I have experienced the toilet bowl effect and received compass error message 9 mins into the flight while hovering 6 feet off the ground in my backyard. Also, motors became extremely hot. When I tried to calibrate the compass, I kept getting the white light indicating failed calibration. It took 6 attempts before it calibrated successfully. WTH. Ive never had trouble calibrating the compass before. While others are happy with the new firmware, it introduced issues for me. Prior to updating to 2.25, my H flew just fine. Dang, I should have never upgraded. Yuneec should give us the ability to roll back to previous firmware.
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Reactions: Jamie Lewis
all fine here mind you i didnt have any issues anyway but i did do all calibrations
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Installed. Did all calibrations. Just the hover testing from 3' to 200' looked good. Looked at the flight data, no issues.
Updated, calibrated. Flew cautiously, no problems. My compass errors have been corrected by this update. Thank you...
/....my fingers are well and truly crossed, but sounds so far from here to be ok...will do it tomorrow...
Had a bit of drift and toilet bowling after update and calibration. Rebound and recalibrated. All seems fine now.
No apparent flight issues, have not tested camera.

Went out 2440 ft. with stock antennae, works good.
Still getting camera feed failure with legs up on Eu firmware. 4 flights, no compass errors but rssi occasionally in red zone using Helmut Elsner's programme. Flies very well, love the awesome ability to control direction and speed using the trim and video significantly improved.
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where is the 2.25 update? I see there was a drone FW update released on 9/26, but I'm not seeing that specific version on the download page.
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Yes, I dont understand the numbering either, but the right update is under 'Drone Firmware'.
Thank you! But then my question is....how do you know about this link and why isn't this version posted to the download page itself...is this a pre-release?
Martins, your link downloads only the A version. Do you have a link to the E version as well?

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