Yup did the calibrations, I did not mention that I did them because IMO, (and as I've advocated in other threads), calibrations ARE part of my Firmware Uprade/Patch process. IMO, it should be for everyone that applies upgrades/patches... I only do the ST-16 calibration when there is a ST-16 Upgrade OR I believe the issue is with the ST-16. I'm no noob to this bird. This is my second one (because the first one had compass board issues) and have owned one since it was first available.
After upgrades I do my calibrations in my front yard. I then drive to my "Test Range". This location is free from interference such as Wifi, power lines, big structures, abandoned missile silos (yes I'm serious, they exist here). I use this location successfully with my Q500, Phantom 3, Phantom 4, and my Inspire. I run two batteries through my birds to ensure the upgrades did not degrade performance and to get a feel for new features.
IF I notice I'm experiencing problems, I'll go through the calibrations again at this location. I remove my cellphone from my pocket, power it off, put it in my truck which over 100 yards away to ensure the phone won't interfere nor will the metal in my truck. But I've found that my front yard (suburban neighborhood) with cellphone powered on, in pocket makes no difference. Any issues I've had are not resolved by doing calibrations at this location, free of any potential interference. And yes, I've driven around to other locations even further away from civilization with the same results, no change from initial calibration. My point is my home location is as good as any to do calibrations. I've not had any issues with my DJI birds or Q500, only my H. IF I think the bird requires an accelerometer calibration, I do it when the H is cool. So sometimes this mean I have to wait a day to redo the accelerometer calibration if needed...
I apologize if I'm coming across a bit "snotty", I realize you guys are trying to help which I appreciate. I'm just fed up with upgrades that are not consistent and can degrade my bird. When this happens I lose trust in it, and wind up flying several more batteries at my Test site to ensure its not going to fly away or fall out of the sky. This means I'm spending battery time and my limited free time, just testing the bird rather than actually taking it places I want to shoot. I really like the features the H has. It does a great job for the things I want to do, but I trust it so little and with my limited free time, I wind up grabbing my P4 or Inspire instead...
@QuadBart Watch Captaindrone's calibration video, very informative -
@QuadBart It sounds like you need to get both the YTH and the ST-16 accurately calibrated - all of those symptoms seem to be about its positioning systems.