My first attempt at follow me ended with unexpected results. I was hoping somebody could view my clip and let me know if I am doing something wrong. Problem aside, the gimbal was impressive in light of the thrashing the drone was doing!
I am in the black SUV crossing a causeway near Sarasota. I am flying the H while my brother drives at a steady 24 mph. I am operating it from the ST16, not the wand. Otherwise, the drone is flying itself and I am just watching while it tracks us.
Any help figuring out what I did wrong would be appreciated.
I am in the black SUV crossing a causeway near Sarasota. I am flying the H while my brother drives at a steady 24 mph. I am operating it from the ST16, not the wand. Otherwise, the drone is flying itself and I am just watching while it tracks us.
Any help figuring out what I did wrong would be appreciated.